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Megaman-SH Club


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May Brawl Guy


From StarForce




^B: Does a Flip Kick Thingy

<> B: Turns and Kicks Hard (Chargable)

B: BreakDance Thing (Like Mario)

Down B: Wavechanges into Rouge


^B: Throws blade up and catches it

<>B: That Wave Thing

B: Like Counter, Indie Proof

Down B: Pulses Out


Final Smash: That Rouge Fist Garbagio


Thinking of an Original Char too. (Home Sick.)

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I'm sorry for the change in subject or if you guys have posted this already but i think out of all the things like Yu-Gi-Oh, Megaman, etc. Megaman is the closest to actually being real. I mean if researchers could make AI (Artificial Intelligence) an actual thing why would't they be able to make Net-Navis. Basically who would't want one? I would wait for days outside a store to get one as long as it didn't break the bank.


What do you guys think, is my head to high in the clouds or am i preaching to the choir?

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IM BACK XD lol sry about the spamming before when i said that i wont be on for a while but i play things better safe then sorry so i had to post that i wasnt gonna be on for a bit XD


I'm sorry for the change in subject or if you guys have posted this already but i think out of all the things like Yu-Gi-Oh' date=' Megaman, etc. Megaman is the closest to actually being real. I mean if researchers could make AI (Artificial Intelligence) an actual thing why would't they be able to make Net-Navis. Basically who would't want one? I would wait for days outside a store to get one as long as it didn't break the bank.


What do you guys think, is my head to high in the clouds or am i preaching to the choir?


hmmmm its possible but i say dont get ur hopes up anytime soon XD scientists are rather greddy now-a-days they wont do something unless they get payed millions and billions of money ahead of time and while they r working on it XD.

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Well if you take into consideration AI in video games it has come a long way, but the way it is portrayed i'm Megaman NT warrior in a PET it's not even close. They have a personality like a real human. But in the near future i would't doubt it just not in things like PET. Like you said they need to make a huge profit out of it and things like that would't make the biggest money. But hey you saw when those NANOS came out in the 90's they were the craze, i had like 3.

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