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Megaman-SH Club


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here i looked this up on the site you gave me and this is prob. the only good looking pic i found.233847o.jpg

i finally got myself up and crated the next omega card that is more powerful and harder to summon than omega.233847r.jpg233847.jpg note that hyper mode goes with a ton of other card i havent posted yet like ultimate x, and absolute zero.

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Ok, I'm removing gregx now, thanks for reporting him, and sorry about the absence. I was at my cousin's house, and he doesn't have internet. Everyone who posted in the last 3-4 pages is also being promoted!


Random... I have no clue what to do for you... I'll give you a hundred points in place of a promotion.

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Sweetness, wait back to project megaman game,

I got confused on the time, are we making it past of future (it was decided past but all of the custom navis are made in the future) so I decided to use future.


Here is a preview plot I made:

It is the year 20XX, Lan had a son who know wields a new megaman known as megaman 2. One day the super powerful navi Colonel is knocked unconsioucus by a mysterious nave called Fernir. Fernir turns out to be working for the Glitch Gang, a orginization made from the most powerful navis known to man. Megaman V2 tries to stop thier plan of breaking into net jail and using the data there to revive the nastiest programs the world has ever known. Unfortunately, Megaman is stalled by Karpman and the Glitch Gang get the Armageddon program (the data of the nastiest programs the world has ever known, it exists to be used in warfare by making superviruses to destroy the enemy's computers). However with the aid of a mysterious navi known as Quint and Duo (who helps because the Glitch Gang are interfering with his abilities to judge humanity.) They manage to locate the base of the Glitch Gang and delete Carpman and Fernir. Unfortunatly the Base is blocked by a demonic shield with the same aura as dark chips. With the help of Dr Wily (who reformed in megaman BN 6) and Dr Regal (who forgot that he is evil due to Wily mind wiping him) they manage to break into the barrier, but not before several incidents are caused by the Glitch Gang. There they fight the remnants of the Glitch gang, including revived members. They face of against thier leader, the nefarious King and beat him, however King breaks Quints helment and he is revealed to be the original Megaman. Finally King fuses with the Armageddon program to make Armakingdon but is again defeated. And the game ends.

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Well then










Oh, and all members, read the first post of the club (with the member's list in it and stuff).

It has been updated. Please read the Disclaimer and note the ban list.

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