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Megaman-SH Club


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Shadow Back off DSS he fkin pwns but i get what u mean shadow i think forte pwns too

why thank you GC! that means quite a bit. but yeah' date=' both versions of forte are awesome. i just happen to like the bn one a little more. ^^

Oh great. Here we go again.


I'd rather not get into an argument.

XD i know what u mean

cant we all just get along? i mean, we all like forte, (at least dss and myself that is) we just happen to prefer different versions of forte, thats all! ^^

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uh, yeah im staying with yours permanently! you club rocks!!! it allows all of the stuff that most other clubs dont! we can actually express ourselves there and be off topic as much as we like!

but no, im not completely leaving this club. there are some good people here. and even though i dont get along with some of them, we all tend to band together when there's something new thats megaman related, as happened with sf3.

but yeah, im monitoring your club a lot more closely then this one now. dont you just feel special? ^-^

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I finally got my VBA GX on the wii working. So sometime, I'll put BN 1 2 4 5 and Gregar 6 (Already have and beat Falzar) on there, and all the Zero's since I never played them >.>

I know they have multiple Versions of the BNs, I had BN3 Blue and Falzar........With BN5, is there a difference between Colonel and Protoman???


And I sound like a total n00b lol.

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indeed you sound like a total noob o3o, BUT that's not the point in this current disscusion.

EXE 5 Colonel and Blues are just as different as Star Force 3

meaning that they have different partners, different chips, different navis, different corsses and different Leaders tho it has the same story

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yes, very. but that is where the differences end. the map layout is the same, and the essentials of the side missions for team additions are also the same. example: instead of an angry ceo and her loyal navi, there is a panicked princess and her berserk navi. but the mission for that one is the same as it was if you were headed towards magnet man. see?

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i am...ZERO!!! :lol: i just wanted to say that once. anywho, my fav char = zero. i currently dont really know which one might be m favorite game. honestly, its a tie between X & Zero for me as well.


i did say different partners and different navis -_- you noob

i was only reiterating what you had said as part of my own explanation. baka....

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