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so about that pic......it would be cool if there was a B.A. R.J. cross-finaliztion, but it wouldnt look like that. it would look totally epic and not look like a wizard at all.


i also agree with rucario. model A should be Axl, not Albert. also it should be a male voice instead of a female one. so where those are concrened, capcom is full of fail. and why the eff was rucario banned? O_O

my name will be rock man

? I don't speak fail' date=' sorry.

Ok, so, I'm like, addicted to Chrono Trigger, Street Fighter IV, and Soul Calibur IV right now, so if I don't mention Starforce 3, it's not in my mind.

But I do still need like, 15 or 16 more standard cards >.<


ya i havent played star force three in along time either

im addicted to Saint's row' date=' nba 09 and dynasty warriors empires


Im addicted to Spectrobes 2. Haven't played SF2 in weeks.

I prefer Saints Row 2 over Saints Row. More vehicles.

Isn't this the wrong thread to talk about Saints Row?

yes' date=' it is. first the thread starts to die, and now this! i am going to start something new, something that is related to the mega man universe. and it will go something like this.




Name: Desert Warrior Zero

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 1800 DEF 1500

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 000

Effect: If a monster with Zero in its name is targeted by an opponent’s monster, you can tribute Desert Warrior Zero to lower the attack of your opponents monster equal to Desert Warrior Zero's total attack. After resolving this effect, all cards that were equipped to Desert Warrior Zero are equipped to the monster that was targeted by your opponent’s monster instead. When this card destroys an opponent’s monster, you can release it and special summon Dark Lord Zero from your deck or hand during your end phase.




Name: Flames of Darkness

Card Type: Equip Spell

Set: Megaman Zero Hunter-series 001

Effect: This card is Equipped to one of your opponent’s monsters. That monster gains dark attribute and can’t be released and your opponent has to pay 500 life points during each of their standby phases.




Name: Dark Lord Zero

Attribute: Dark

Level: 6

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2500 DEF:2100

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 002

Effect: When this card destroys an opponent’s monster in battle, you can release it and summon Emissary of Light Zero from your deck hand or graveyard during your end phase. During your turn, you can pay 500 life points to lower Dark Lord Zero's attack by half and attack your opponent directly. When Dark Lord Zero is targeted by one of your opponent’s monsters, you can increase Dark Lord Zero's attack by 100 x the number of cards on your side of the field.




Name: Awakening Will

Card Type: Equip Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 003

Effect: A monster equipped with this card gains light attributes and can be used to advance summon a level 7 or 8 monster.




Name: Emissary of Light Zero

Attribute: Light

Level: 7

Card Rarity: Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2600 DEF: 2400

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 004

Effect: When this card destroys a monster in battle, you can send it to the graveyard and summon Shadow King Zero from your deck or hand during your end phase. When Emissary of Light Zero destroys a monster, you can increase your life points by half the destroyed monsters attack or defense. If Emissary of Light Zero is the first monster you attacked with, attack twice more with it and end the battle phase.




Name: Confrontation with the Past

Card Type: Continuous Spell

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 005

Effect: By paying 500 Life Points, you can Special Summon 1 monster from either player's Graveyard. When a monster Special Summoned by this card's effect is destroyed, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 monster from either player's Graveyard. You cannot Special Summon a monster with the same name.




Name: Shadow King Zero

Attribute: Dark

Level: 8

Card Rarity: Super Rare

Type: Warrior / Effect

ATK: 2800 DEF:2500

Set: MegaMan Zero Hunter-Series 006

Effect: If Shadow King Zero is destroyed as a result of battle, you may special summon Sprinting Cerberus Gregar or Rising Phoenix Falzar from your deck or hand. If Shadow King Zero is the only monster on your side of the field at the start of the battle phase, you must attack all of your opponents monsters with this card. If this card is targeted by one of your opponents monsters, you can remove from play a card with zero in its name from your hand or grave to destroy your opponents monster.


the first seven cards in the hunter-series. i figure that since there seem to be next to nothing to talk on currently that we should put up some of our cards to view here as long as they are related to the megaman universe. however, if it is found to be unacceptable, then i shall remove this post. however! i shall only remove them at the behest of shen-haitaku himself. in my opinion, he should be the only one to nake this choice, and as such, i shall answer to none other but him. sorry dax, but this includes you as well.

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understandable, but too lonf of a pause and the thread may actually die, and i dont want that. as i am sure that many people feel the same way as me, i decided to take the afore mentioned measures as to my previous post. anyway, ima' pming shen-haitaku and letting him no what i did. he'll let me know if it's acceptable to him or not and we'll continue from that point card wise. b.t.w., thanks for the comment drakegrg. i appreciate knowing that there are those who admire my work. ^^

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good to know. to be honest i had a lot of trouble with ocg before. i am also thinking that there may be ocg errors in these current cards, even if they are really small ones. lol ^-^


b.t.w., i sent a message to shen-haitaku with my idea. now i await his response and the events that shall follow it.

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Bad cards are bad. OCG errors' date=' meh pics. 5/10



Sheesh, don't be such a hater. If DSS made the same cards, you would give them at least an 8


(Yay flame war trigger)


No, I'm honest. No matter who it is.

Unless it's Super Cheesy or Mr. Tacos, they get BELOW my normal rates.

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I know. I just wanted to see what you would say.

Bad cards are bad. OCG errors' date=' meh pics. 5/10



Sheesh, don't be such a hater. If DSS made the same cards, you would give them at least an 8


(Yay flame war trigger)


No, I'm honest.

Unless it's Super Cheesy or Mr. Tacos, they get BELOW my normal rates.


And killius. Don't forget Killius. (just kidding :))

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i made some Zero cards awhile ago but mine are just bad >.>" or are they xD

but now rly my ocg sucked in those cards >.>"

if they had bad ocg and your ocg has improved since then' date=' then you should rewrite them so that they have better ocg and post them. but i get first dibs for card posting in the yccg community because i was the first to bring the zero cards there.

Bad cards are bad. OCG errors' date=' meh pics. 5/10


Sheesh, don't be such a hater. If DSS made the same cards, you would give them at least an 8

(Yay flame war trigger)

No, I'm honest.

Unless it's Super Cheesy or Mr. Tacos, they get BELOW my normal rates.

And killius. Don't forget Killius. (just kidding :))


lol @ flame war. trigger wondering what that is though. o.o and yeah, he really hates killius. and dont forget, he is a very critical rater, so i'm not really all that offended, not to mention he's bound to have more ocg experience then me. of course there was a point when he said that he though JB and i might be his new killuas so...... <.< where IS JB anyway??? O-O

and who is super cheesy and mr. tacos?

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i made some Zero cards awhile ago but mine are just bad >.>" or are they xD

but now rly my ocg sucked in those cards >.>"

if they had bad ocg and your ocg has improved since then' date=' then you should rewrite them so that they have better ocg and post them.[u'] but i get first dibs for card posting in the yccg community because i was the first to bring the zero cards there[/u].

^ umm what?! Oo

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i made some Zero cards awhile ago but mine are just bad >.>" or are they xD

but now rly my ocg sucked in those cards >.>"

if they had bad ocg and your ocg has improved since then' date=' then you should rewrite them so that they have better ocg and post them.[u'] but i get first dibs for card posting in the yccg community because i was the first to bring the zero cards there[/u].

^ umm what?! Oo

lolwut? I don't understand the bolded stuff either DSS.......

XD lets just wait till shadow or someone can translate that for us

basically what i said was that i get to be the first one to post any and all cards in the 'yugioh created card game community' (a.k.a. yccg) since i was the first one to bring characters from the mega man universe there in card format.

for those of you who dont know' date=' the 'created card game' is basically like the yugioh trading card game except that we make our own cards to use and have in sets while having them follow the rules for card making as far as the yugioh universe is concerned.

we also use those cards using the 'yugioh virtual desktop' application of which can be downloaded onto your computer. but yeah...thats basically what it is.


p.s. the reason why there's the "long @$$ pyramid quote" is that i wanted to show the responses that there were since my previous post in relation to this so that everyone could understand. that's the only reason for it. and, yes, i [b']do[/b] try to refrain from doing "long @$$ pyramid quotes".

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