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Megaman-SH Club


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it is true that we have our own navi. however, i think that the idea of having a banner for the club has some merit.


btw, in SF2 burai-cross code allows you to take on the form of ninja zerker or saurian with burai colors. also, you got alot of extra power ups, such as a 500 hp boost or something. but you did lose all of your link power that you gained from your real world powers since the burai that you fight in the game has absolutley nothing to do with link power. my suggestion, get cygnus noise and base a folder around that character. meaning normal and wind-based normal chips. coincidentally this is also the easiest way to finalize........

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umm dude.......Burai Tribe is kinda useless...you can't use Mega Cards and its hard to obtain UNLESSS you enter the code for it

but the best way to use it is to combine it with Tribe king code ( white cards guys white cards not AR codes)

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yes. i definitely agree on the banner issue. and we should each also have the banner in our sig as part of our being in the club. of course this last part is optional, but i think that it would help things if only a little. <.<


and btw dss, burai is very useful for wi-fi battling in SF2. but i do agree that if its used for that you should also use tribe king as well.

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We need a banner i don't care what anyone says we need one' date=' we only have the navi thing but not a banner that a person can click and our club will pop up on so we need a banner.



We can use one of DSS's banners. Just change it from DSS to Megaman SH-Club.

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well technically prometheus was a maverick even if he wasnt out of control, so yeah, i think its allowed.


and dss, you do have that banner. i distinctly remember seeing you have it. either that or it was something that you used for your avatar.

look and see if you have the zx model banner. if you do, please post it and i will tell you if it was the one that i was mentioning before. if you dont have the banner, then take a look at the pics previously used for your avatar and you should find the one that i was talking about there.

also, if it is something that was used for an avatar pic and not a banner that i had already seen before, then i would ask that you please make it into a banner, okay?

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no Operator shooting Star is coming out so they sop star force as of right know


but i am going to start something what else can they do in star force geo dad came back so what else can they do for a story


English language pls -.-

OSS is a remake of EXE1 with something "extra" thats what the dude that made RnR said

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