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Megaman-SH Club


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Yes. One of Black Aces common Super Moves (Meteor Light) is his NFBB, and he equips Air Shoes and Floatshoes, and his blaster is win! Plus he adds stuff to almost all of my cards.


I'm not gonna be on much next week. Read Away reason.

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heh. my list is short as well. 1: crown 2: cygnus. 3: virgo offered and declined since i tended to use my 2nd folder more often once i got enough cards that were powerful enough that i could do just all normal types and seriously help me to get alot of noise, really fast.


and .:Dark_Armed_Xing:., for once we are in total agreement. cygnus noise is definitely full of win since he basically powers up all normal chips. and i really liked how your chrged shot became a 5 shot vulcan-buster with a 1.5 power increase for your mega-buster on charged shots.


as for my folders, they are as follows.

1: OmegaXis = main folder used for about half of the game. upon discovery of finalization technique i created...

2: RedJoker = all most powerful normal cards fo here for the most expedient finalization process. then there's

3: klvnfldr which you get close to the end of the game. it seriously helped me out with a few powerful normal cards like heavy cannon. and then there's

4: the extra folder which no-one likes since you can't edit it. so it basically just goes unused.


i had to return my game today cause i needed some extra cash. :'( and i didn't even get to have the full refund value since i bought it new abd had to be stuck with the trade-in value. DX XO >o< that really sucks.


oh, and i almost forgot. +10 to all normal based chips bu +30 to all wind-based normal chips. WHOOT! :D cygnus is AWESOME!

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