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Megaman-SH Club


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Drake, no I haven't gotten to him yet. I did in 2 though lol.

That list sucked........I tried using it.


Hey what are the giga cards in starforce 3 i know theres wingblade and millikick but what are the others


In Black Ace, there's Wingblade, Millikick, Darkness Hole, Break Count Bomb and Mu Rejection

In Red Joker, there's Dread Lazer, Buster Max, Destroy Missle, Ox Tackle and Mirrors Edge.

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You aren't on very often.


What is it with new members and getting on my bad side. Please' date=' read my last post (Pg 128, 2nd to last post), and you would know why I'm not on often. I have a [b']serious[/b] family problem, that involves Life and Death. And, I'm very active when everything is normal, you just haven't been here long enough.


If my post seems as if I am angry, I am not, I just wish people would pay attention to the finer details.

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riiight w/e -.-

if anyone wants to read megaman manga then go here http://tanjou.rocktarts.com/index.php


megaman manga' date=' eh? that should prove to be interesting. i hope that its in english and not japanese text or kanji, because i cant read those. i understand only 2 languages. english and bad english. :mrgreen:


I have an acess point but it says that it is incompatible with my DS. Then I booted up MMBN5DTDS and made Megs kick my DS's anus. My DS then decide to see if it was compatible when I threatened it with Giga Cannon. LOL and I don't even have Giga Cannon XD!


rofl! :mrgreen::D:mrgreen: good one! but i am currently having the same problem here as well. now that i have finally gotten my hands on sf3, the libraries wireless won't recognize my ds, and even though i am told that there is not a wireless block of any kind here, i have my doubts since it apparently still works fine with laptops......


I have a short fuse.


so we'v noticed

just chill bro

hes just alittle anoyed cause hes not get to many ansers

and If he absolutly cant wait ill make him one

but jacoby is the best so he should wait


well we all like to be answered and aboslutely hate to be ignored. some of us may have more or less tolerance in that area then others though....


I can do it if u want

ive gotten better

but it doesnt really matter to me

i think yall are both good

its just he puts more time into it


yes' date=' jacoby does put more time into it. that is because he wants everyone to have cool sprites that have at least so many moves that they do. xing likes them short, sweet, and to the point though. the only exception where he is concerned is when he made his own navi, prometheus.....


You aren't on very often.


What is it with new members and getting on my bad side. Please' date=' read my last post (Pg 128, 2nd to last post), and you would know why I'm not on often. I have a [b']serious[/b] family problem, that involves Life and Death. And, I'm very active when everything is normal, you just haven't been here long enough.


If my post seems as if I am angry, I am not, I just wish people would pay attention to the finer details.


i'm sorry to here that there is trouble in the family haitaku. i hope that everything works out.






btw, if anyone complains about this being a long ass pyramid quote of everything that has happened since i last posted, then before they even think of shooting off at the mouth about it, they would do well to note that this is all that i have quoted of seriously like 10 pages worth of posts since i was last on here. this statement is not deliberately stated at just one person. this is something that i say to all..........

however, this i say specifically to dax.


*raises right arm and puts his right pointer finger onto dax's forhead* loosen up .:Dark Armed Xing:. after all, you don't have all that much time left. for when my training is complete, you shall fall.........by my hand. we shall meet on the field of battle soon .:Dark Armed Xing:., very soon...........

btw, if none of you have noticed or been checking the spoiler box i set up, that is where a put my quizzes. the first person to pm me the right answer to the quiz get's a rep and 5 points. once it has been answered, i immediately change the quiz, and it begins again. so you guys should seriously check it out.


and in relation to a quote from my llast post..............

good things come to those who wait. i can wait...............

especially since when my navi's recieved all of it's upgrades, it'll be the best one on the whole thread imho.


and no, i don't usually triple post like this. <.< i do so now because these are things that i meant to have in the first part of my post, minus what was added to the second part of my post turning it into a double post. you know, the part that was aimed specifically at .:Dark Armed Xing:.

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yeah, i know. lol i hate doing long posts like that, but sometimes there just isn't a choice when there's that much that i have to say in response to what other people say. not to mention that quoting of posts so as i dont forget what i wanted to sat to each one. and it still happens sometimes. me forgetting that is. lol ^^

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1: It's only been 2 hours since the last post

2: You can't bump someone elses thread

3: You spammed

4: You DESERVE a neg.



riiight w/e -.-

if anyone wants to read megaman manga then go here http://tanjou.rocktarts.com/index.php


megaman manga' date=' eh? that should prove to be interesting. i hope that its in english and not japanese text or kanji, because i cant read those. i understand only 2 languages. english and bad english. :mrgreen:


I have an acess point but it says that it is incompatible with my DS. Then I booted up MMBN5DTDS and made Megs kick my DS's anus. My DS then decide to see if it was compatible when I threatened it with Giga Cannon. LOL and I don't even have Giga Cannon XD!


rofl! :mrgreen::D:mrgreen: good one! but i am currently having the same problem here as well. now that i have finally gotten my hands on sf3, the libraries wireless won't recognize my ds, and even though i am told that there is not a wireless block of any kind here, i have my doubts since it apparently still works fine with laptops......


I have a short fuse.


so we'v noticed

just chill bro

hes just alittle anoyed cause hes not get to many ansers

and If he absolutly cant wait ill make him one

but jacoby is the best so he should wait


well we all like to be answered and aboslutely hate to be ignored. some of us may have more or less tolerance in that area then others though....


I can do it if u want

ive gotten better

but it doesnt really matter to me

i think yall are both good

its just he puts more time into it


yes' date=' jacoby does put more time into it. that is because he wants everyone to have cool sprites that have at least so many moves that they do. xing likes them short, sweet, and to the point though. the only exception where he is concerned is when he made his own navi, prometheus.....


You aren't on very often.


What is it with new members and getting on my bad side. Please' date=' read my last post (Pg 128, 2nd to last post), and you would know why I'm not on often. I have a [b']serious[/b] family problem, that involves Life and Death. And, I'm very active when everything is normal, you just haven't been here long enough.


If my post seems as if I am angry, I am not, I just wish people would pay attention to the finer details.


i'm sorry to here that there is trouble in the family haitaku. i hope that everything works out.






btw, if anyone complains about this being a long ass pyramid quote of everything that has happened since i last posted, then before they even think of shooting off at the mouth about it, they would do well to note that this is all that i have quoted of seriously like 10 pages worth of posts since i was last on here. this statement is not deliberately stated at just one person. this is something that i say to all..........

however, this i say specifically to dax.


*raises right arm and puts his right pointer finger onto dax's forhead* loosen up .:Dark Armed Xing:. after all, you don't have all that much time left. for when my training is complete, you shall fall.........by my hand. we shall meet on the field of battle soon .:Dark Armed Xing:., very soon...........

btw, if none of you have noticed or been checking the spoiler box i set up, that is where a put my quizzes. the first person to pm me the right answer to the quiz get's a rep and 5 points. once it has been answered, i immediately change the quiz, and it begins again. so you guys should seriously check it out.


and in relation to a quote from my llast post..............

good things come to those who wait. i can wait...............

especially since when my navi's recieved all of it's upgrades, it'll be the best one on the whole thread imho.


and no, i don't usually triple post like this. <.< i do so now because these are things that i meant to have in the first part of my post, minus what was added to the second part of my post turning it into a double post. you know, the part that was aimed specifically at .:Dark Armed Xing:.





yeah' date=' i know. lol i hate doing long posts like that, but sometimes there just isn't a choice when there's that much that i have to say in response to what other people say. not to mention that quoting of posts so as i dont forget what i wanted to sat to each one. and it still happens sometimes. me forgetting that is. lol ^^




A) Don't Post

B) Cut to the poitn

C) Don't do quote pyramids.

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