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Megaman-SH Club


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Fine. You can have him. He's on the first page.


XDDD good one Xing


Thank you! I don't get XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD's. You can't have more than 1 mouth =/


You hadda upload it???

Just copy image location.....

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i agree with Drake, in the game, the speed on which it moves is the same as in his animation

so Xing your criticism fails

oh btw if a body moves too fast it leaves and "After image" behind it

that is what the animation is implying

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i agree with Drake' date=' in the game, the speed on which it moves is the same as in his animation

[b']so Xing your criticism fails[/b]

oh btw if a body moves too fast it leaves and "After image" behind it

that is what the animation is implying


I critisize cards, not GFX.


Anyway, do you mean Queen Virgo R???

I think Dark Phantoms the easiest boss in this game.

But I don't get him. He doesn't really effect the plot much.......

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I already told him basically everything you said.


I'll let this guy decide.

me and jacoby are the same quality

Me - I do it quick' date=' not as many frames, Prometheus is the only exception

Jacoby - Takes his time, includes many frames.


So, basically, shorter or longer. He can decide.



really,i dont care who does it or how long it is. i wouldnt mind if starman was just swinging a sword.

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