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"Naruto: Ninja Clash for the Kage Throwns" (Plz Lock Part 2 started)


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Shinbu slowly started to step towards Leo and slowly started to lose his reason and knowledge of the normal human "You... And... Me..." Shinbu started to growl more than talking "I... Will demolish!... Demolish you!"


Ooc: Dat be the effect of the pill, it permanent

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Ooc: Dawg? Hades aint excisting in world o' naruto.


"Send me to my grave? Could be, once i tracked you i'm on my way once more" Shinbu started lost all his reason and started to laugh maniacly "Hahaha! This place shall be remembered as your grave! Give up and i will make it fast and painfull, i'm not as weak as i was before!"

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"What are you huh? An assasin or a damned priest?!" Shinbu could walk up straigh again but his appearance was gradually changing, it started to show scars of his emotions, wins and loses "Hehehe, human... You are remarkable! Now, let's get this fight over with!"

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Shinbu merely laughed "Good, I am Shinbu Awasato! last surviving of the Awasato 4!" he slashed himself in his chest "Now, now that i have your rapt attention, we will start... THE BATTLE OF THE AGES!" Shinbu yelled as he was running towards Leo with his claws ready to slash him to shreds.

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