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"Naruto: Ninja Clash for the Kage Throwns" (Plz Lock Part 2 started)


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Samia walked into the hospital and talked to the woman at the desk. Woman:"Yes how may i help you today young man?"Samia:"I need to be treated for this wound on my chest."Samia took off his jacket and showed her his scar.Woman:"Wow, you must have been fighting real hard come with me we will treat that immmediatly."Samia:"Thank You."

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Samia was laying in his bed waiting for a doctor too come along and put some gauss on him then he saw a Blood ANBU in the window.Blood ANBU:"Samia come on lets go train were gonna need it for the upcoming missions." The Blood ANBU opened the window and jumped down to Samia and wrapped his wounds for him.Samia:"Thanks.",Blood ANBU:"No problem, now lets get out of here before the nurse comes back." So they both jumped out the window and starting running for the training grounds.

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"Here, Shinbu eat this!" Shinbu was given a black pill "What am i doing with this?" he said while looking up into the man's face "Eat it, it will make you 10 times as strong!" Shinbu ate the pill and felt a certain urge to kill "Thanks, no you will die." Shinbu spoke with a chilling voice and he killed the three "Now, i will get my revenge!" He said and dissapeared.

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Leo and Tiffany both made it to the Oni entrance gates. Now we just knock... forget knocking. Leo and Tiffany disappeared into the Yuki compound. Let's make sure that never happens. A girl with that much stature might be able to overcome any bad dreams about her or her past. Leo then standed up with his arms folded while Tiffany just laid on his shoulder and then hugged him and hold him tight while looking at Tasaki. Leo then did the same to Tiffany.

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Samia was attacking the dummys with his sword trying to ignore the pain, the he charged up his chakra and he felt an immense pain."AHHHH!",Blood ANBU:"Whats wrong?" Samia:"I used way too much chakra yesterday and now it hurts to even charge it up." Blood ANBU:"Well i got the trick for that," The Blood ANBU gave him a special pill."Go on and take it, it will make the pain go away for awhile." Samia took the pill and he felt better."Thanks!, Who are you anyway?" Blood ANBU:"My name is Tonbaku."

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Leo and Tiffany started kissing and then stopped. I remembered me, tiffany, and tasaki were the best of friends use to pour out jutsus all over the place. Until one day this demon called himself the executioner took my parents and held them as hostages. He then said "If you ever want to see your parents again do everything as i say." So i did.

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Samia:"Nice to meet you,Tonbaku.",Tonbaku:"Same too you,but how did you get that scar?" He said while pulling Samia up from the ground."Well,i was in a fight yesterday with a kid named Takuya, he was tough but i could have killed him if Hayate hadn't got in the way and challenged me but when i fight it reveals a whole other side to me which i hate." Tonbaku:"Well then you must be pretty strong to have had Hayate come up too you and stop you, let alone challenge you."

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"Will kill!..." Shinbu was aproaching the ones who defeated him and humiliated him, he could feel "Their time is over!" Shinbu aproached one with a known face, it was the assasin! "You! Remember me!? You fought and humiliated me!"


Ooc: That'd be you Necro

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