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The Ultimate Shop of Doom! Sells everything! Low prices! Buy and get a discount!


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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I'm getting veerry desperaatte...


I'll apply for a job here. I can make practically anything related to Fire Emblem, plus Occult Connection Cards and special types of PokéBalls and booster packs offered nowhere else. As long as you don't mind a couple of free products being sold, everything should work out OK.


What do you say?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

So, now I'm here. This is my stuff:


The Fire Emblem Class Quiz is temporarily down.


Member Cards: Select a class, and provide a GIF image to represent you, and I'll formulate a statsheet for you, based on how good a member I believe you to be. An example:




The sheets are free, since they were made on FEPlanet. All you would ask for one of these for is to know my opinion of you, or to know what you start as in my RP.


FE4 Member Cards: Same as Member Cards. Also made on FEPlanet, so I take no credit for them, and they're for free. An example:




~New twist: You can only get certain classes for your member card if you order something else as well. A simple way to do this is to buy a sprite and get the member card to go with it. However, there are no circumstances in which you would have to pay for a member card; you would only pay for the sprite.~


For standard Member Cards, classes available are all of the ones on the sheet, plus:

Fire Dragon

Demon Dragon

Makmute (FE6)

Draco Zombie

Mace Knight

Flail Knight

Sorcery Knight*

Sorcery Blader*

Sniping Assassin†


For FE4 Member Cards, let your imagination run wild, or pick one of the ones on the sheet. If it's a made-up class, tell me which weapons it can use.

These are free, since I made them at FE Planet. Since I'm not selling them, it's legal for me to distribute them.


Once you have your statsheet done, I can create the sprite that goes with it. Go into as much detail as you like. Since I have to edit these from bases by Rick Dykes, you need to pay for them.


Standard Unit - 5 points

All non-Armor, non-Cavalry, and non-Advanced units


Armored Unit - 10 points

Armor Knight, General, Warrior, Berserker, Hero, Brigand, Gwyllgi, Mauthedoog, Gorgon


Cavalry/Mounted Unit - 15 points

Cavalier, Paladin, Great Knight, Nomad, Nomadic Trooper, Tarvos, Bael, Cyclops


Advanced Unit - 25 points

Pegasus Knight, Falcon Knight, Dragon Rider, Dragon Knight, Dragon Lord, Sorcerer Knight



Custom Attack Animations: I create a different attack animation for an existing class. 1 rep. No examples yet, but there will be one soon. I'll give credit for the bases with the new animation.


New Class Attack Animations: I create an attack animation for a class that you made up. 4 reps or 40 points (these things are ludicrously difficult).


Non-FE Merchandise


Booster packs (3 points)



Occultist Connection Cards-post a word or image, and I'll make a card that's magically connected with that card. 3 points.


Structure Decks: 5 points



Custom PokéBalls: 5 points



Avatars: 1 point OR 2 points (depends on the avvy)



Decklists: Give me a center card -- real or fake -- and I'll make a decklist based on it. Adding my fake cards is optional. 5 points.


Fake Pokémon Cards: "They look like crap, but they get the job done." Pick a Poké -- or anything else, for that matter -- and I'll make you a card. Please provide the card image. Example pending. 10 points.


Fakemon Splices: Describe a Fakemon you want made, and then I'll splice it together. Example pending. 10 points.


Legal details coming soon.

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