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Worse Game I have Ever Played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I just bought a ps3 and me and my little brother got to buy two games he bought DBz Burst limit it was ok but we finished it already the game i picked was Gundum Crossfire it was really bad i thought it was the other Gundam game for the ps3 but i was wrong but i bought it used so i am returning it tommorrow have you ever played that game or any game that is worse

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I just bought a ps3 and me and my little brother got to buy two games he bought DBz Burst limit it was ok but we finished it already the game i picked was Gundum Crossfire it was really bad i thought it was the other Gundam game for the ps3 but i was wrong but i bought it used so i am returning it tommorrow have you ever played that game or any game that is worse


There's your problem

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I just bought a ps3 and me and my little brother got to buy two games he bought DBz Burst limit it was ok but we finished it already the game i picked was Gundum Crossfire it was really bad i thought it was the other Gundam game for the ps3 but i was wrong but i bought it used so i am returning it tommorrow have you ever played that game or any game that is worse


There's your good choice.


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The Worst Games ever are Charlie's Angels' date=' Big Rigs, and Cheerleading Master.



A game that nearly destroyed the video game industry should be known as the worst video game of all times.



A game that is worse than the game that nearly destroyed the video game industry IS known as the worst video game of all times.

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Superman 64


Barbie Horse adventures

Big Rigs

Cheerleading Master

Monster Gargue the game


^ those games' date=' ull have more fun shoving them in ur A$$ than actually playing them.


You forgot Pacman 2600, and Custer's Revenge.

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Wayne's World' date=' Shaq Fu, and Barbie Super Model for the SNES were all horrific games...



The last one my friend had it, I fell asleep just WATCHING it


I was forced to play and beat Barbie Super Model that was rented for my little sister OR I couldn't play the Donkey Kong Country that was rented for me. It was worth the torment to play DKC...


WORST 4 levels I have ever played in 21 years of gaming...

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