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Final Fantasy: Truth of Terapolys

Supreme Gamesmaster

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster


Use the formulæ on the front page to conduct battles. Whoever has highest AGI goes first. Ancestra have AGIs of 14.

Any party member may control Alastor.

Bonus is a random number from 1.0 to 1.4; I use random.org's integer generator between 10 and 40 for the decimal.

Please use http://random.org/integers/ as your RNG.

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The Ancestra that Fabian hit lands on the ground in front of Jax. That was quicker and easier then I thought... Jax readied his Thief's Blade.


ooc: I imagine were Lvl 1-3?




Jax AGI is 21, Jax Makes first move.



Str = 10+ 3= 13

Lv = 1(I think)

Def = 0+ I imagine no armor o.O

(10+ [10 + 1 / 32] * [10+ 1 / 32]) - My defense or his defense?


ooc: It's been awhile since I've used formulas, so if I didn't do it right just tell me....

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OoC: Is it too late for me to join?


Name: Tethys Yosune Valaria

Age: 23

Gender: ♀

Relation: Andraida

Class: Black Mage

Bio: Tethys was born to two lowly and poor cultists in Rextora who constantly berated passer byes to enlist in their cult, worshiping the demon Ifrit as the Creator of all. Eventually due to constant complaints of their behaviour to the authorities, the couple was arrested and Tethys was shipped off temporarily to an orphanage in the poor Xithani district. Unfortunately, Tethys' parents (who were mad at this point, by the way) were under the assumption that they would be executed. So, to "sacrifice their souls in the name of Ifrit before the infidels" they used the remaining black magic they knew and killed themselves in their cell. So thus at the age of two Tethys was left orphaned. She was a weak child, usually the last to get at the meager scraps the nuns managed to scrounge up, but for some reason as the nuns observed the child was developing a devilish and manipulative intellect. This was shown foremost at the age of seven when one of the more physically gifted orphans stole her piece of porridge she immediately spread a rumour to his female friend that he was going around saying she was his girlfriend. And so she got her revenge. At the age of fourteen after extensive volunteer around the orphanage and in the community she wrote down her resumé as maid to the Orion Phobos Law Firm. The Firm looked it over and were surprised at the vocabulary and literary skill involved in the resumé from a simple orphan girl and she was offered a position as secretary to one Gracid Vede. She soon grew a reputation as an honest and extremely helpful secretary, studying law books in her spare time. Eventually at the age of seventeen she had enough money to go to college. Going to Oranos College in her home district of Xithali she surpassed all the other students in Reading, Writing, Literature and understanding of Laws. By the age of nineteen she could pull all sorts of legal loopholes, such was her great knowledge of the law that she stumped even police officers. Eventually she graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies and Law at the age of twenty one. Afterwards she decided to apply for university when she was offered a job at Orion Phobos Law Firm this time as a lawyer. Quickly revising her resumé, she was accepted and became a very skilled lawyer. Eventually she was hired by Andraida to sort out any legal obstacles that might happen with her mission. Very loyal to her client, Tethys went with her on her trip to Rextora.

Personality: Tethys is very manipulative. She has a strong sense of both order and justice, yet her pride usually gets the better of her making her not think in some situations. When she sees something, she focuses on it, analyzing every detail of it's feature. She is usually very formal in front of people she does not know yet she can be light hearted and helpful when she needs to be. Uses her magic powers wisely.

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