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Sophmore Justice! (Sign Up Thread) PG 14/16 Join The Rebelion! 3 DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER!


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Name:Cloud White


Side(For or against rebelion or a Mercenary):Mercenary

Weapon:His main weapon is a long sword..then he has two skinny knifes..The also has a mid size chain..

Bio:Clouds parents were killed right in front of him when he was 12...after that Cloud became more brutal and killing..When he turned 16..He started to kill people who knew the person who killed his parents..He also got caught and went to jail a lot..Now he wants revenge on who ever killed his parents..He hates his life and everything...and everyone..

Appearance( Please use pic):Clow.jpg

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You be in!

Ok' date=' we NEED more POPULARS who are AGAINST the rebelion. [b']We have plenty of Mercenaries and Nerds FOR the rebelion.[/b]

Adam Can't fight all by himself!

We ALSO need someone to be MOLLY, but so far, no takers.....


You know, the mercenaries doesn´t have to be WITH the rebellion. They may get a more promising payment from those who are AGAINST the rebellion. Remember: Mercenaries only work for those from who they get the most profit!

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OoC: This could be a weekly convo. ARBY AND TEH CHEIF, BACKSTAGE


Arby: Let me see your skills.

Mastur Chieff: Ok, lolololololololololololol. I stuck that n00b.

Arby: As I thought, your aiming skills suck so much that you rely on spamming grenades. And you even suck at that.

Mastur Chieff: It's tactical.

Arby: Tactical my ass.

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