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Holo tut(GIMP)

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This is my holo tut for GIMP

1. Open GIMP.


2. Open you card.


3. Save this holo sheet then open it. Then copy it by pressing Ctrl+C. Or go to Edit>Copy



4. Select the the card pic, which is what you holo, with the Rectangle tool or press R.

[spoiler=Open Screen]2rmm8pf.jpg



5. Right click in the selection and go to Edit>Paste Into.

[spoiler=Another screen]16iwimw.jpg


[spoiler=And this is what it should look like]30m6feg.jpg



6. Next go to layers and set the mode as dodge.

[spoiler=Next Screen]sbh6vk.jpg



And here is the outcome:




Tut #2 Advance Holo

1. Begin by following steps 1-3 from the first tut.


2. Now select the Fuzzy Select Tool or press U.




3. Select the everything in the pic that is not the important thing.

[spoiler=Too Many Screens! Here is another.]2rrs29x.jpg



4. Right click somewhere in the selected region and got to Edit>Paste Into.

[spoiler=Another screen. :(]s2bluv.jpg


[spoiler=Your pic should now look like this...]kylxy.jpg



5. Got to layers, then switch the mode to Dodge.

[spoiler=Here is the final screen!]11uyrfp.jpg



And the final outcome!


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