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This is the last Reset Button build I'm posting, I swear =3


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Well, I've been thinking actually. My first build relied on Norleras for the field wipe, followed by Dark Creator (safely topdecked by Plaguespreader) and Darklord Zerato. That didn't otk and as a result ran into problems such as my opponent topdecking Mirror Force and the like. So, I had a look at the zombie variant which Toni showed to me. It seemed a lot faster and more reliable due to the ability to OTK, but after doing some math I discovered...


Dark Creator+Despair(brought back by DC)+Despair(brought back by Mezuki)=/=otk


Dark Creator+Grepher or other(brought back by DC)+Despair(brought back by Mezuki)+Despair(brought back by Mezuki)=otk


Despair(brought back by Mezuki)+Despair(brought back by Mezuki)+Despair(brought back by Mezuki)=otk


None of those were particularly efficient, and you need to be extremely lucky to be able to bring back 3 Despairs at once. However, obvious as HELL hit me; why don't I just shove in Dark Horus? Yeah, it's a crap card generally, but fits the situation perfectly (I got the idea from JD's traditional deck where the otk was DC > DMoC > Reborn > Dark Horus).


Dark Creator+Dark Horus(brought back by DC)+Despair(brought back by Mezuki)=otk


This OTK would be pretty easy to pull off, since I would only need the following in my grave: 1 Mezuki, 1 Despair, 1 Norleras, 1 Dark Horus, 1 Plaguespreader, (to topdeck Dark Creator), and 1 Random Dark monster (Grepher or such), then PoC would make up 5 after it hits the grave. All this isn't too difficult considering I have Grepher, Foolish, Hand Destruction, Trade-In and the like to speed that up!


The deck is 100% geared towards the OTK and basically doesn't have a backup plan, as everything has been sacrificed for maximum consistency and explosiveness. It'll either fail completely, or play wonderfully ;D


Anyway, that's enough ranting and here's the final list I came up with. Hopefully, it will function better than all the other builds I tried in the past =D



3 The Dark Creator

3 Dark Grepher

3 Despair from the Dark

3 Mezuki

2 Phantom of Chaos

2 Sky Scourge Norleras

2 Dark Horus

2 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Sangan



3 Trade-In

3 Allure of Darkness

3 Hand Destruction

2 Foolish Burial

1 Card Destruction

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Dark Eruption



3 Threatening Roar


~Generic Extra Deck, of course~


Rate,fix,praise,flame,or simply print off and use as kindling ^^

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Spirit Reaper really was just a piece of random stall, but despite only 1 Mezuki being needed for the OTK, I'll replace the Reaper for it to be safe.


I was going to test replacing Threatening Roars with DWD, however with Dark Grepher present I need to be careful that I don't completely run out of options.

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Spirit Reaper really was just a piece of random stall' date=' but despite only 1 Mezuki being needed for the OTK, I'll replace the Reaper for it to be safe.


I was going to test replacing Threatening Roars with DWD, however with Dark Grepher present I need to be careful that I don't completely run out of options.



i would go ahead and try it...


have you considered a LS engine?

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