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Never mind :roll: . Shadow Striker probably has, just rent an old one. Your life is incomplete if you haven't seen Ghostbusters and James Bond. And anyway, check an encyclopedia, you'll find the definition of Femme Fatale in there. That should explain it all.


P.S. I've seen 20/22 of the James Bond films, just find some in a DVD rent place.

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§hadow §triker has been busy, so I've done some orders by myself.


ed's Order

Super Rares




Alf's Order (I chose to mix Gardevior with Lucario)





Dragonknight's Order




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Thank you, I liked it, but can you attempt it again (keep Gardevoir's head please, Lucario's head looks too masculine for a pokemon that is supposed to be female)? I liked it, it was very good and creative, but can you redo it please? I'll pay again!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Name of Poke'mon/Item Splice: Houndray

Poke'mon/Item(s) Wanted for Splice: Houndoom + Luxray

Extra Info: Surprise me ^ ^


Name of Poke'mon/Item Splice: Regidoom

Poke'mon/Item(s) Wanted for Splice: Regirock + Houndoom

Extra Info: Can you add some kind of wings? Doesn't matter which ones.



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[align=center][spoiler=[b]Digimon Splice Order:[/b]][spoiler=[b]Name of Digimon Splice:[/b]] Metalflamedramon


[spoiler=[b]Digimon Wanted for Splice:[/b]] Flamedramon, Wargreymon, Angemon.


[spoiler=[b]Extra Info:[/b]] Can you please make it Flamedramons body with some of Wargreymons armour and Angemons wings please ^^ Can you make it move? Like breathing? If you can Ill pay you extra ^^






[spoiler=[b]Digimon Splice Order:[/b]][spoiler=[b]Name of Digimon Splice:[/b]] Black Metalflamedramon


[spoiler=[b]Digimon Wanted for Splice:[/b]] Flamedramon, Black Wargreymon, Angemon.


[spoiler=[b]Extra Info:[/b]] Can you please make it Flamedramons body with some of Black Wargreymons armour and Angemons wings please ^^ Can you make it move? Like breathing? If you can Ill pay you extra ^^





Please & thank you ^_^[/align]

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Points recieved, and Hobo and Gale are added to the waiting list.


1337noob's order





I put Pikachu's tail on the shoulders, becuase if I placed it where a tail should be, it would'nt be visible.

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