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The Titan war,a greek mythology RP PG-13

Archangel of destiny

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OoC:Disturbed14 introduce your character

Then lightning struck before the feat of Hlyrax and a voice from heaven was heard,

???:"Today there will be no more killing,unless you are planning to be buried here as well"

Neoptolem got up he was having some trouble standing up,"Even if you are a son of Atlas i can still kill you,i have been in far more wars that anyone,some of the greatest hero's were my teachers,so if you still think that you can take me on in a battle you are welcomed to try"

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OoC:Yea great so basically i am alone against the titans

Neoptolem picked up his spear and one of his fallen friends,then he said to Hlyrax"we will finish this some other time"Then he got on a chariot that was nearby and the chariot rode away

Zeus was watching everything from Olympus then he said to Athena"Watch over him"Athena nodded and turned into a hawk and flew behind Neoptolem.

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Hlyrax prayed to Atlas "Atlas! Give me the power of the titans! I have been a good son to you! Give the power i always desired!" Suddenly the sky became dark and thunder started raging the battlefield and then the voice of Hlyrax sounded "I AM... HLYRAX, SON OF ATLAS! TITANS OF ALL TITANS!" he yelled savagely and non stop


Ooc: is it okay if i became a titan right now?

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ooc:Mooth you can become a Titan but not at full power just yet,when one of the other titans dies you can have full power


Zeus said to X"My son be patient,it will take some time but you will have full power,when the time is right you will know"

Then the earth split open and Gaia rose from inside it she said to Hlyrax,Argo and Razer,"I need you to go and find a army for the titans,fined some people that are still loyal to us,those are your orders now go."

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