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Concept of "I" set (Cards for original story!)

Tesability Black

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Alright, folks, allow me with introduce you to an original story concept of mine, known as the Concept of "I". The backstory is this:


In the beginning, when thought first existed, there was only one realm that existed, the Realm of One, where all were the same in every way that could be thought of and even more. This realm was led by a dragon that was identical to all of its subjects except for being much larger and carrying an air of power to it. He was known as One, the Collective Consciousness and this dragon's strength came from those that choose the collective mindset over individual ones. At this point, however, individuality did not exist, so he was truely the most powerful creature to exist.


Those who lived in this realm, which was the only one that existed at the time, were known as the We, the Hive Collective. Everyone of them were all the same with the same thoughts, dreams and hopes as well as the same sorrows and pains. They never referred to themselves as individuals, but always as a group with one indentity. Seperated, they know not how to do anything, but together, they can accomplish anything.


One day, one of the We had a thought that was different from anything that everyone else had thought. This simple thought split the realm in two and litterally transformed the individual creature into a furred creature, a fiery fox with nine tails that had power over fire and variance. The realm created for her was a colorful realm with a sun shining above it. In the center of this new realm was a castle of fire where this newly-transformed being would soon reside within. The moment this change occured, however, One made his roar of anger.


Gathering his forces and leading them to the edge of this new reality, he found that they could not enter its boundaries, a thought that furiated him and the We. The fiery fox approached the boundary of the realms with narrowed eyes as One demanded her to undo the 'damage' that had been done.


"I won't."


Individuality never existed before then until the fiery fox, You, the Heart of Imagination, spoke the word "I", a simple word that when spoken by the We transformed many into a whole variety of creatures who went off to create their own realms to reside in. It was also at that moment that a new creature appeared, an avatar for the newfound concept. At first, it appeared as a smaller nine-tailed fox, but with more pale colors of pink and blue. Due to the timing of its appearance, it was since known as I, the Individual Thought. It has the power to change its form into anything that the Realm Master of the realms it enters has deemed fitting for where it was. Powers, appearances, voices, even personalities change when it moves from realm to another, but one thing remains the same. The more individuality is acknowledged and that the word "I" is spoken, the stronger it becomes.


Ever since that day, the Realms of Imagination have been at war between individuality and the collective consciousness. Only one of the two sides will eventually win, but it may be another couple thousand of eons before the answer is finally discovered.




~Effect of "Imagination Beast - United Diversity Dragon":

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play six "Imagination Beasts"and six "Imagination Realms" of different names, on your side of the field or in your Graveyard. As long as this card remains in face-up attack position, the Atribute of all monsters on the field cannot be changed. As Long as "Imagination Realm- Star Realm" is on the field, this card is uneffected by Effect Monsters, Spells or Traps cards controlled by your opponent. The orignal attack of this card is equal to the number of "Imagination Beasts" that have been removed from play times 600. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle, any "Imagination Realms" that have been removed from play are set and 2 "Imagination Beasts" removed from play are Special summon in face-up defense position.

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Very interesting. As I was reading the story it started to remind me of the ANTZ movie. Then Naruto instantly popped into my head when you mention the 9-Tailed Fox. So good interesting story. I don't know if you meant to write in on purpose but near the end you said that one will when. So does that have reference to the Dragon "One" being the victor or just "1" being one of the realms or creatures?...


Oh I never got to reading the cards etc... Plenty of time to do that later.

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