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Destruction of Mythological Arts RP - PG 13 for Violence; (Started)Excepting all entr


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Hayate: "No Leo Plz just leave go back to the Head quarters and their you will find my last orders to you, Plz just leave I don't want you to witness my death, you will understand once its over." Hayate told Leo as he kept walking toward the Building.


Hayate: "No I don't believe in after life Maira and I just wish you would hurry up so we can get this over with I'm sick of waiting to die just get me their so we can do it."

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Hayate: After being rleased from the cuffs walks over to the box, "Okay where here, do as you wish Maira," Hayate said kneeling to the floor. Hayate squints his eye's waiting for Maira's move and wondering what his life would have been if he never opened the box.


ooc: Zini you do realise that killing me wont change anything in the RP i'll be dead but everything is still their, just so you know.

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