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Destruction of Mythological Arts RP - PG 13 for Violence; (Started)Excepting all entr


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"After all it doesn't matter. I do not wish for its power." Maira places a small device on the sickle. "This will reduce its power. We arrived already." Maira goes to a closest and takes out some cloth then opens the handcuffs. Wear this i can't have you died on your way to the box and once we get out of this plane we will no longer be stealthed so monsters will attack us."

Maira undresses to dress up with the winter cloths.

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Name: Sykes



Age: 32

Bio: Sykes' could care less about the happenings of the world, he didn't care before this event and he doesn't care now. Sykes is a ruthless person, and he has always been like this, he will not hesitate to kill anyone who tries to stop him or even council him on any matter. When Sykes was a child he killed both his parents because they tried to give him good advice and tried to control his past. Since the age of twelve he has been a hired gun/assassin for the right price and would always work alone no matter what the job. His motto has always been "I live alone, I fight alone, I die alone..."

Personality: Sykes' personality is dark and sinister. He will never be nice to anyone in his entire life and wont care if he kills you or not. Sykes is a lonely man, but he would never say or even feel that he is lonely, because in his mind the only friend anyone needs is a good weapon...

Weapons: Dual hand guns, one handed double barrel shotgun

Power: (You will gain powers within RP you cannot choose I give them)

Group: Neutral

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ooc: yes you can be Neutral but there are going to be major twists in the plot line with the Death of Hayate!!! and your in I'm adding you now.


Hayate: Falls from the plane entrance with no ability to stop what is happening, "Please Maira just hurry to the place and get it over with." Hayate slowly stands, bruised and beaten with a small cut now upon his left arm.

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In the western front of Alaska, about twenty five hundred miles away from Hayate, a man was killing creature after creature for no apparent reasons at all. Suddenly out of nowhere a White Snow Dragon appeared. "Heh, this is gonna be fun..." The mysterious man said, as he ran towards the beast and jumped high enough to be over him. He drew two handguns and fired at will until he landed on the other side of the beast, he then sheathed his hand guns. The dragon fell into a huge pile of snow and ice, dead....

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Hayate: Continued walking along the path toward the Box, "Its their," Hayate said as he pointed toward an abandoned building about 500 yards away. "In the basment we will find the box." Hayate continued to walk toward the building, with a kind of depressed but happy look on his face, "This will all end soon," he told himself.

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