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Select 1 Warrior-Type monster in your Deck or Graveyard. Decrease the ATK and/or DEF of this card by the ATK of the selected monster to add it to your hand.




To those who remember me postin' Eclipser Tyranno, as well who didn't see it at all...


... wince into utter nothingness.

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Bear in mind that: 1) LV11 is a summoning restriction all on its own, and 2) Warriors in general, so far as I know it, have no Type-specific recursion.


Whether those balance what could be an epic gold mine is somethin' I would like people to ruminate upon.


Or, maybe, even this type of recruitment isn't banworthy. Really.

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Well whatever, you're obviously not getting the point. Why yes I would like to OTK with my Enraged Muka Muka with 20 warriors in hand. Free destiny heroes to hand? Thank you malicious.


Reasoning? Who calls level 11 anyway? Monster gate ftw. Monster reborn ftw. Even tribute summoning it isn't that much.


The current highest ATK for a 2-tribute monster is 3300. You're making an aweful big jump by making a 4500. It's comparable to creating a 3000-3500 ATK level 6 monster.


Blue-Eyes ultimate dragon is a fusion..level doesn't really matter in comparison to card stats once you get past level 7.

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