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Destroy the brick wall in everyway possable


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  '.:True Destiny:. said:

I rickroll the Boulder Guardian.


I also use obscure internet references to attack the Boulder Guardian.


The wall and guardian only wonder how that would make a difference. Good job. You wated a turn.


Wall HP: 84' date='000

Giant Boulder Guardian: 11,000

Our HP: 6300

Turns until attack: 2


I drop Manuiel Uribe(The Heaviest Man Living: His peak: 1200 lbs) at his peak weight on the wall


You can't. He weighs 1200 pounds.


Wall HP: 84,000

Giant Boulder Guardian: 11,000

Our HP: 6300

Turns until attack: 1

  'awesome66 said:

first' date=' i summon exxod to protect everyone(really big, really defensive)

and summon exodia to obliterate it



Nice Timing. You're screwed. Because the guardian can now attack. Instead of attacking it dissapears in a pillar of darkness and from it a half human and half demon with wings and twin black pistols appear. It destroys exodia and exxod easily. It claims to be known as Demon Bullet. It takes four turns until it can attack.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 20,000

Our HP: 6300

Turns until attack: 4

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  '.:True Destiny:. said:

I shoot a balefire at them.


You manage to do some damage. Unbelievably.


Wall HP: 84' date='000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 6300

Turns until attack: 3


ok, i bring them out of their cards the three egyptian gods, and exodia necross,exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, use him to resummon exodia, fuse them and they attack the wall and they attack the guardian


They ignore you due to the fact that you do the same thing over and over. Dr. Phil tells you aout how badly you fail. You and your team have a big los in self esteem in how badly you fail. They also hit you with with sticks and stones seeing as Cr. Phil already took care of words.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 6100

Turns until attack: 2

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  '.:True Destiny:. said:

I attempt to attack them with Xemnas and Organization XIII (KH in-game).


Wow' date=' nice job wasting a move on attepting. You miss.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 6100

Turns until attack: 1


I summon the almighty Deadpool, who, using his ability to break the fourth wall, threatens to damage the creator of this thread if this causes no damage.


No Effect! Also Demon Bullet activates its counter ability to counter your attacks until next time.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 6100

Turns until attack: 4

Counter: 4

  'The Almighty Animator said:

I cast Reflect upon everyone' date='then Holy on everyone.The Holy reflects,and the spell quadruples upon itself and hits the only unprotected thing.


Demon Bullet.

since he's,well,a DEMON, it should be Super Effective.



Because of Demon Bullet's pure evil and power the attack goes bye-bye getting to close. Also counter activates.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 5600

Turns until attack: 3

Counter: 3

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  'awesome66 said:

i put a plane full of bombs in the cargo on auto pilot into the wall' date=' and trap the wall in an impenatrable dome and put a bigger, more powerful bomb in it, and get out, close the door, and run, far[hr']


The plane mistakes you as the wall. It goes boom before you do anything else but get the big bomb which is next to you. Counter! Stop killing everybody.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 3600

Turns until attack: 2

Counter: 2

  'Jurrasic said:

Summons YCmaker from YCM!

And he perm bans the wall!

Whassis? We win!?


YCMaker ignores your request. Counter!


Wall HP: 84' date='000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 3200

Turns until attack: 1

Counter: 1


I trap them in a car factory and they are trapped in the car making process.


It's a wall. How the heck would you get it through the door? No effect. Demon bullet shoots you.


Wall HP: 84,000

Demon Bullet: 19,000

Our HP: 2700

Turns until attack: 4

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