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I PLAY ________


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Since my last shop is going downhill, this one should be better. You know in yu-gi-oh when somebody plays a card and it appears with its' own background and ATK/DEF in the corner...well now I'll make them for you!! I costs 1 rep per battlescreen. You can only ask for 2 at most per day:D. In the ATK/DEF screen unfortunaty up to now, I can only do: 0000, 2300, 2000 or 3000.:x you can PM me, but I would be pleased if you could post it here. Thanks, Luke.


By the way the finished result should look something like this:6fgl17t.png

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It has to be a eather a real yugioh card or a yugioh card seen on an episode, I can get you it quicker if you supplie me with the picture, and it must be a still pic. also:


to axle666 - Those pics don't show up on my computer.


to basherbelding11 - Could I have a pic please.

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