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2 concepts i have which should i make first


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These are two pretty basic ideas i have, that i lack great names for but the working names are Frost and Skullcrusher


Frost monsters and their suport cards generate Frost counters or remove Frost Counters to do certain effects, some require a very large number and have insane effects like making your oppenent skip their next turn, some would cost less and do things like let you draw a card make your oppenent discard, or deal damage, they also are going to be a bit slower than most decks but will be able to quickly do things that slow your oppenent down. Mainly for people who dont like short duels.


Skullcrusher, focus part on field flooding, and most of the monsters have effects that are more powerful the more skullcrushers you have on your field, useally by effecting all skullcrushers on your field. Things like increase all of your Skullcrushers ATK, inflicting effect damage to your oppenent when one of your skullcrushers attacks. Or haveing a monster that can attack once for each skullcrusher on your side of the field.

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[spoiler=Spelling and Grammar corrections:]

These are two pretty basic ideas i have, that i lack great names for but the working names are Frost and Skull-crusher.


Frost monsters and their support cards generate Frost counters or remove Frost Counters to do certain effects, some require a very large number and have insane effects like making your opponent skip their next turn, some would cost less and do things like let you draw a card make your opponent discard, or deal damage, they also are going to be a bit slower than most decks but will be able to quickly do things that slow your opponent down. Mainly for people who don't like short duels.


Skull-crusher, focus part on field flooding, and most of the monsters have effects that are more powerful the more skull-crushers you have on your field, usually by effecting all skull-crushers on your field. Things like increase all of your Skull-crushers ATK, inflicting effect damage to your opponent when one of your skull-crushers attacks. Or having a monster that can attack once for each skull-crusher on your side of the field.




pretty good ideas, i recommend Skull Crusher first.

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