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Wolves Pack RP (club members only)


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John: how could've i asked you?!?! i was in the woods running for my life because some damned spirit thought my special "powers" were a threat to her... im just a pup!! how can a pup be a threat to a spirit of the forest!?!?

Shadow: John calm down!! the spirit will find you!

John: fine! ill kill her myself! take revenge or die trying!

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John: you would be her biggest threat if you werent here?? that makes... absolutley perfect no sence whatsoever... you lost me... anyway... your a smart guy do you know what this mark is on my hand?? I've had it since i was born

John shows Tom the strange mark on the palm on his right hand it's like an ember

John: sometimes it glows and burns... do you know what that means?

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Tom: it varies from person to person. Me, I had one that covered my body. It mainly resembles what they will be in the future. according to your emblem, your path hasnt been completly chosen yet but soon will be.

OOC: I'm going to be online but I wont be posting for about 5-15 minutes because I have to work on an essay for english.(starting now)

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midnight: ok then why were you yelling then?

reala: like i said before i don't like to be so far down in a cave....

midnight: it's something elce isn't it

reala: hmm ya it is.... night of the red moon

midnight: is that why you wanted to get out of their?

reala: ya we both know what happened last time.... the moon clan destroyed....

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ooc: it's ok, my computer is running a little scwrey to

oooc: i just made up oooc and know a little bit of midnight's past sorit of....

midnight: thought i wonder what that creature even was that attacked us......

reala: maybe it was that one guy that wants us all dead

midnight: hmm.... if only i was stronger!*midnight falls on her knees crying* if i.... i hadn't been weak...

reala: midnight it wasn't your fault your where just.....

midnight: just what!

reala: just.... a chief in training.....

midnight: by then i has chief of the stupid village! and i was a stuped chief

reala: no you wern't midnight..... hmm.....

reala's thoughts: what in the world could crear her up.....

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ooc: ok i'll take advange of time then but when is he spouse to come on anyway?


flash back:

in a small quite village far away from the other clans/ villages, is called the moon village

past midnight: mom what if i can't do it

midnight's mom: don't worry you'll be a great leader it's in your blood

past midnight: you say that every day and + i have no friends and no one even talkes to me at all

midnight's mom: that's just.... maybe cause their jueles

past midnight: ok then why did they beat me up

midnight's mom: midnight just stop worring and just go and do something today instead of hiding in the house

past midnight: fine

midnight runs out of the house and into the main part of the village

past midnight: oh no their are the kids that beat me up....

kids: hey theirs the wimpy come on she ovusly dosen't under stand the meaning the words get out of the village then will chas her out!

midnight: oh not again

midnight runs for her life, running into the forest

midnight: maybe if i hide in a hollow they won't find me...

so midnight fins a tree hollow to hid in

???: ow! who who are you and why did you land on me!

midnight: wa!

midnight jumps out of the hollow ??? comes out of the hollow

midnight: who... who are you?

???: i'm reala and you just woke me up from sleeping!

midnight: oh sorry see i was just running from....

reala: ya ya ya i don't want to hear it right not i'm tired and


one of the kids hit little reala on the head

little reala: ow!! alright that's it!

reala does a shadow blast at the kid that hit him on the head

kid: run!! for it

midnight: that is who i was running from

little reala: oh um... sorry i snaped at you and you are?

midnight: oh um... i'm midnight and i'm a totil reject form my village

little reala: hmm... welcome to my world then i'm hated by every one to where i came from

midnight: so what are you any way?

reala: i'm a flying jester and i can cast shadow elements

midnight: hmm... can you maybe transform into a wolf?

reala: yes i can why?

midnight: well maybe i was thinking you could come back to the village with me

reala: why would you want to go back their?

midnight: i have to be leader some day

reala: well sence i have nothing elce better to do yes i'll come back to the village with you

and so midnight mayed a friend and they went back to the village

midnight: hey guys i'm back!

kids: so you want to be beaten.....

they see midnight's wolf

kids: y you have a wolf?!

midnight: yep! and he's going to eat you up!

kids: no no no please don't

midnight: then you start being nice to me

kids: ok we will

afue years latter

midnight: finally i'm chief

reala: yep and it lookes like your going to have a new wolf so i'm going know

midnight: no reala please don't leave

reala: no i'm not going to i ment i'm just going to become some of your anger

midnight: what do you mean?

reala: you'll see

midnight oh i see know

*ground startes to shack*

reala: somethings comming......

creature: arrrrrrrrrww

the creature distroys the village in less then a minate

midnight: no the village's gone everyones dead and....

reala: well we arn't and your new wolf isn't i thank we should get out of here

reala, midnght and the new wolf nightshade run into the forest


flash back over.


ooc: good luck waiting for cs and sorry for my post being so long....

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