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Holy Crystal Knight (Crystal Beast Deck)


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3x Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

2x Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

2x Crystal Beast Amthest Cat

2x Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

2x Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

2x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

1x Rainbow Dragon

1x Wicked Eraser



2x Crystal Promise

2x Crystal Abundance

2x Crystal Blessing

2x Crystal Beacon

2x Rainbow Ruin

2x Crystal Tree

2x Rare Value

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Rush Recklessly



2x Crystal Raigeki

2x Counter Crystal

1x Threatening Roar

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Negate Attack

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Last Resort


head to a site called "Manjyome Thunder" it should have info on Crystal/Gem Tree and Counter Crystal/Gem

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I thought you need 7 crystal beasts with different names in order to use Rainbow Dragon and your deck consists of only 6 CB's with different names.


you are correct, that is why rainbow dragon S--KS.


Wicked Eraser is terrible, and honestly, 3 Pegasus IS NESSICARY, 3 rainbow ruin, 3 tiger, etc...


Also, since crystal tree is not an english card, DECK GREEN BABOON, as this is not your real life deck, you might as well add it in there.


Since I dont feel like becoming the next Sart, I feel it nessicary to say that I am not attacking you personally with my seemingly forceful suggestions, just expressing the point that it needs revision. Wicked eraser MUST GO.

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I would keep the Wicked E. in, if all your cards are gem beasts in monster zones with 1 wicked eraser and get destroyed guess where they are heading.


As for Cobalt being bad, sounds like someone jumped the gun on that one if your not playing Full Gem.


Green Baboon is good with Wicked Eraser since one kills your good stuff along with your opponents while the other helps returns to the deck.

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