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I had a social studies teacher (8th grade) that could barely hear anything that went on in the classroom behind her back when it was turned. fun times in that class, but when she caught the person she punished the whole class. an 8th grade math teacher I had was so nice we got to hide his stuff and even eat the food he brought into the class. one time we hid the markers so well he couldnt find them so he wen to another classroom to borrow some then we put the makers back when he left.

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its either coincidence or some how there is a connection between you two that isnt genetic related.


its either coincidence or some how there is a connection between you two that isnt genetic related.


we might be related and have the same instincts when posting O.o

um... Ree wouldn't be to happy if that happened or dragoneye at that maner eather...

i thought you where on the sun (hint hint) :?

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