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Digimon Data Squad: Generation X![STARTED!]-2 dark tamer and DATS spots left-

Gir: Ruler of Tacoz

Should i change the name?  

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  1. 1. Should i change the name?

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...ok...i'm changeing the story

ooc:done! and we can start...

Tasaki:raijo...send in the reccrutes

Raijo: ok!

-Tasaki was curious to see if she had picked the right people-

Tasaki:*watches everyone walk in*...so, you must be: Alex Frozen, Jacob Mikomi, Cay Brendan, Neos Bakuda and Ivan Ranekyo...you all must be wondering why i've called you here...well, the Digital World needs you...

ooc:you get your digimon when you get your digivice

Raijo: you'll need these*passes them all a digivice and there digimon comes out*

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A pic of your character:

A short Bio:This guy's parents were killed.He saw joined the Dats because he knew something about these digimons.

Side:(good or evil)good


Digimon partner(must start out at rookie lvl):gazimon

A pic of your Digimon(when digivolved you need to update the post ASAP):Image:Gazimon.jpg

Digi-volution line(rookie-Mega):gazimon>dorugamon>>DEATH-X-DORUGUREMON>Gaioumon

attacks(first rookie then add digivolved attacks after they digivolve)Paralyze Breath [1]

Electric Stun Blast



Booby Pit

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Name: Zacaria Felmoon

A pic of your character: 7a37623.png

A short Bio: He was bullied shamelessly by mosy people during his school life. He hated it, but repressed his anger and hate to remain sane. However, this repressing stopped when his anger and hate made him a target to become a dark tamer. The armour is a tetament to his hate. His dark digivice is hidden in his shield.

Side: Evil

Age(13-20): 17

Digimon partner(must start out at rookie lvl): Keramon

A pic of your Digimon: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/1/12/Keramon.jpg

Digi-volution line: Keramon-Chrysalimon-Infermon-Diaboromon-Armageddemon


Keramon: Bug Blaster, Network Flapping

Chrysalimon: Data Crusher, Unconnect Buster, Internet Surge

Type: Metal

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*Jacob and Ivan are walknig down a empty street*

Ivan: "So were are we going again?"

Jacob: "DATS helped save the digital world before, maybe they know something we don't."

Ivan: "Well I'd bet, seeing as we know nothing. Do you think Dorumon and Ryudamon are alright?"

*Jacob then goes silent and continues to head for DATS*

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Tasaki:...wait...wheres Jacob and Ivan?

Raijo:...they...ummm, i...*runs out side to look for them*

Tasaki:...well now we have to wait for them...

[meanwhile on the streets]

Raijo:...where could they be...*starts to talk to himself*

Tasaki*over digivice*: have you found them yet?

Reppamon*over digivice*: we can't wait forever...the virus is spreding...after it corupts the Digi-World...what next, us?

Raijo:...i only left like a minute ago....

Zanbamon*in digivice*: be pasient Tasaki. he will fing them

Raijo: well, it'll take a while*takes out the profile photos and looks for them*...

[10 minutes later...back at DATS HQ]

Raijo: Commander Tasaki, i found them!

Tasaki:about time...

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Raijo:...it's like a digital steroid...boosting a digimons strength...i was away for a while so i don't know much...Tasaki should know about it, ask her

Zanbamon*in digivice*: i've seen some digimon that have been infected with the virus...they looked much different than there original forms...Reppamon had a close counter with one...

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*walking down the hall to the commanders office*

Jacob: We currently have Ryudamon and Dorumon bringing the digimon to sheltered areas. It won't last long but for now it'll do. We need to find out how it started so we can take it down."


Ivan: "Jacob here thinks that a digimon is the cause of this."

*everyone enters commanders office*

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Tasaki:*sees them walk in* good your here...now then... time for a feild test*grins*

Raijo:...aww man, i hate feild tests...Zambamon Realize!*Zambamon exits the digivice*

Zambamon:...goos to move again, now lets go...

Tasaki: ok lets move out!*Digi-porter activates*

[a few seconds later...in the Digi-World]


Tasaki:...Reppamon!*Reppamon jumps down form a rock* these are the new recrutes...Alex Frozen, Jacob Mikomi, Cay Brendan, Neos Bakuda and Ivan Ranekyo... they will be the neXt generation of DATS!

Reppamon: good to see you...but i've disscover something very bad...its him again...


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Just then Ryudamon runs up to the group

Ryudamon: "Ivan! Jacob! Some weird looking digimon are trying to et in one of our camps. Dorumon told me and everyone else to run. He's still there fighting alone."


Ivan: Grabs digivice "Lets go Jacob."


Jacob: "Go on ahead without me I have to get the info from these guys. Tell Dorumon to protect those who stayed behind and to wait for us to arrive."


Ivan: shocked "Uh...Uh....OK, Jacob." Runs off with Ryudamon


Jacob: Turning back to the others "Grim who?"

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"Grim": ExoGrimmon! thats "Grim who"

Reppamon:...ExoGrimmon, a OverloadMega level digimon. he is ChaosGrimmon fused with the Crono Core...his signiture attack is :"ChronoDSR"


ExoGrim: you know me so well, Reppamon...

Reppamon:...your the one who destroyed the first resistance leader!

Zanbamon:...a day i remember all to well...

Tasaki:...we cant win...he's a OverloadMega level

ooc: i'm reposting the main good/bad guys

Evil Overlord:...

Chronomon:... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/c...mon-DM.gif


GigaSeadramon:... http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s22/r...dramon.gif

MaloMyotismon:... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/c...tismon.gif

Megidramon:... http://http://i11.photobucket.com/albums...dramon.gif

Gaiomon:... http://http://i148.photobucket.com/album...aiomon.gif

Beelzemon(Burst Mode):... http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/b...attack.gif

Belphemon:... http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b364/b...attack.gif


More will be added later so keep checking back...

here are the good guys(A.K.A: The Resistance)

Resistance Overlord:...

Imperialdramon(Paladin Mode):... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/c...aladin.gif

Resistance Lord:...

MirageGaogamon:... http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a185/s...mon-BM.gif

Attack Planners:...

Shadramon:... http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s22/r...dramon.gif

Herculeskabuterimon:... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/c...erimon.gif

Battle Commanders:...

Wargreymon:... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/c...reymon.gif

Clockmon:... http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s22/r...ockmon.gif



Shaujingmon:... http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j205/c...ingmon.gif

Battle Forces:...

All the Chessmon(but no King/Queens)


Tasaki: Reppamon! you know the way, take us to Ressistance Stronghold


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ExoGrimmon: in a way yes...but i'm here to stop you and finish my score with Reppamon

Reppamon:i hope no one has found that horn MirageGaogamon gave me *digs behind the rock*...come on, i know its here *finds it and blows the horn*

[at the Resistance Stronghold]

MirageGaogamon:...that sound...*rushes to where the horn came from*

[back at the rock]

ExoGrimmon: now say your prayes kiddies...*charges up ChronoDSR*


Zambamon: Raijo, jump on!*pulls Jacob on*

Raijo:ok*jumps on Zambamon*

ExoGrimmon:ChronoD-ah!*gets ramed by MirageGaogamon*

MirageGaogamon:Reppamon keep going north...you'll reach it soon!Reppamon: right!

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Jacob: Begins runnig in the same direction as Ivan had "I'm going to help Dorumon. I doubt that he is in charge due to him having to settle a score alone. Usually the one in charge has followers to back him up. If you guys manage to win or escape I'll catch up with you later."


Ivan: Arriving at the camp "Dorumon tak a break we can handle it"

Ryudamon: "Katana Attack!" Ryudamon destroyes a rookie digimon and five others stand.


Dorumon: "Wheres Jacob?"


Ivan: "He is on his way. What!?" the other digimon retreat. "I think it's over. Cowards."

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