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Mind Overdrive


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Sorry, I went overboard; it's a Psychic deck.


[spoiler=Main Deck]


Monsters - [18]




[2] Overdrive Teleporter

[1] Raiza the Storm Monarch




[3] Krebons

[3] Psychic Commander

[3] Psychic Snail

[3] Mind Protector

[2] Quillbolt Hedgehog

[1] Sangan


Spells - [14]


[3] Emergency Teleport

[3] Psychokinesis

[2] Instant Fusion

[2] Foolish Burial

[1] Mind Control

[1] Brain Control

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Monster Reborn


Traps - [8]


[3] Mind Over Matter

[3] Solemn Judgment

[2] Psychic Overload


[spoiler=Extra Deck]



[3] Goyo Guardian

[2] Stardust Dragon

[2] Thoughtruler Archfiend

[2] Magical Android

[2] Blackrose Dragon

[2] Flame Swordsman

[1] Red Dragon Archfiend

[1] Psychic Lifetrancer


[spoiler=Side Deck]



Monsters - [2]


[1] Phantom of Chaos

[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness


Spells - [5]


[1] Mind Control

[2] Lightning Vortex

[2] Monster Reincarnation


Traps - [8]


[2] Light-Imprisoning Mirror

[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

[2] Bottomless Trap Hole

[1] Dark Bribe

[1] Phoenix Wind Wing Blast




Fire away, the deck needs more DANDYLION. Although, whenever it'll be released you know. I kind of wanted to take out the Hedgehog + Foolish engine, although not quite sure what to add in. My first build had Bottomless Trap Hole, Dark Bribe and Phoenix Wind Wing Blast in the main deck, now I sided it.


I was going to main the second Mind Control, but not enough room for Foolish engine; also I was going to take out my third Mind Protector for a Phantom of Chaos, but it's been proving a bit ineffective in the current games I've tested it out. Originally, Phantom of Chaos served as Overdrive bait to get its effect once again, but that 2k is costly at times. Besides, if I sided in Reincarnation, I could discard one Psychic and use Overload to get the discarded Psychic back into the deck.


As for my side deck, it's just a test; I doubt I'd need the Light-Imprisoning or Shadow-Imprisonings. I still need to play test the deck more to get it fixed.


And my extra deck is a test as well.

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-Black Rose

-Instant Fusion

-Foolish Burial

-Flame Swordsman

-1 Mind protector

-1 Mind over Matter

+Gaia Knight

+1 RDA

+2 Teleport

+1 Psi-Station

+Psychic Jumper


Works for me!!!


PS- If you want to' date=' try running Mind master



I thought about using Mind Master; not quite my deal; level 2 and 3 tuners are quite well enough. And if you're talking about Gaia Knight the synchro monster with 2600 attack and no effect; that's why I'm running 3 Goyo Guardians instead of my preferred 2. Gaia Knight has been completely useless to me, (I've used him back when I had barely any synchro monsters)


Teleport is bad, bad bad bad; not only do I pay 800 just to get a Psychic onto the field when I don't have one, it's too situational - I always seem to have a monster out on the field. Even when using my Mind Over Matters, speaking of which - I am quite fine at with 3.


What does RDA stand for?


Psi-Station is somewhat useless to me, I've tried it before; a bit more of a dead-draw, and I'd use it as discard fodder if I still ran Lightning Vortexes or Monster Reincarnation. Sure, I can use Psychic Commander to make it level 4 and tune it with Psychic Snail to get a level 8, but I have better means using Raiza/Overdrive + Krebons or Psychic Commander + Instant Fusion, also. I found Instant Fusion to be amazing in 2; If I don't happen to have a tuner, I can always use it as Tribute fodder for Raiza/Overdrive.


I'm keeping Black Roses, they're too godly. I will keep Flame Swordsman at 2, because I'm keeping Instant Fusions, maybe I could add a level 4 Fusion Monster though.


Psychic Jumper, I thought of adding. But I'm not quite sure how greatly he affects me; can you explain your play style with him?


I appreciate the comments. Any other suggestions? Also, I'd also appreciate your thoughts and reasoning as to why you would take out/add the cards you did in your post.

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