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Tick-Tock Burn


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[spoiler="Main Deck]


Monsters - [15]



[2] Lava Golem



[3] Morphtronic Clocken

[3] Morphing Jar #2

[3] Morphtronic Celfon

[2] Mask of Darkness

[1] Sangan

[1] Morphing Jar


Spells - [14]


[3] Stumbling

[3] Wave-Motion Cannon

[2] Nightmare Steel Cage

[1] Magical Stone Excavation

[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Swords of Revealing Light

[1] Card Destruction

[1] Level Limit - Area B

[1] Pot of Avarice


Traps - [11]


[3] Reckless Greed

[3] Royal Opression

[3] Threatening Roar

[1] Gravity Bind

[1] Wall of Revealing Light


[spoiler=Side Deck]



Monsters - [3]

[3] Kuriboh


Spells - [5]

[3] Lightning Vortex

[2] Monster Reincarnation


Traps - [7]

[2] Legacy of Yata-Garasu

[2] Light-Imprisoning Mirror

[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

[1] Accumulated Fortune




Thinking about taking out the Magnens adding one more Celfon, maybe adding a Cameran; although I'm trying to cut down the monster count - possibly add in a few more draw power cards; although with a few play tests, I was easily able to cut my deck easily. Being able to recover maybe a few key cards that got milled through Morphing Jar #2. Probably going to take out Giant Rat as well.


3 Stumblings seems a bit much, but it's probably the best way to get my Clockens into defense mode; Light of Intervention completely messes up Morphing Jar and Morphing Jar #2.


I should probably add more burn support; so far it's just ultimate stallage.


The side-deck is just a filler, not quite sure what to make it, to be honest. I might main deck Monster Reincarnation to recover cards like Morphing Jar, Clocken or most especially - Lava Golem.


I run traps heavily, seems bad; but I don't know how to reply on spells with this deck, unless someone does an insightful fix.


Note; this is a bit of a fun deck, trying to make it be a little more concrete and less silly as well as a bit more consistent.



-2 Morphtronic Magnen

+1 Morphtronic Celfon

+1 Pot of Avarice


Although I'm potentially destroying enough targets for Celfon, not quite sure what else to add. Magnen, I can never get the attack lock - so it's pretty useless to me. I'm adding Pot of Avarice for end game, and if I get lucky enough I can use it to my advantage by recycling early destroyed Clockens.


-2 Giant Rat

-1 Magical Stone Excavation

+3 Wave-Motion Cannon


Hopefully, this makes it much more faster to finish off the game; it's like having six Wave-Motion Cannons; although I'm still quite vulnerable to field destruction.

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