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Morphtronic and Iron Chain and Synchro Deck Also Mt First Time Posting In Decks


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x2 Morphtronic Celfon

x2 Morphtronic Boardon

x3 Mophtronic Boomboxen

x2 Morphtronic Datatron

x2 Mophtronic Camera

x2 Mophtronic Radion

x2 Mophtronic Clocken

x1 Morphtronic Magnen

x2 Gadget Driver

x2 Iron Chain Repairman

x2 Iron Chain Coil

x2 Iron Chain Snake

x2 Iron Chain Blaster

x1 Jinzo

x1 Reflect Bounder

x2 Sonic Chick (Tuner)

x2 Junk Synchron(Tuner)

x2 Quillbolt Hedgehog (Tuner)

x1 Jinzo Returner

x1 Jinzo Lord

x1 Rocket Warrior



Spells x8


x1 Monster Reborn

x2 Double Summon

x1 Amplifier (For Jinzo)

x1 Morphtronic Accelerator

x2 Morphtronic Cord

x1 Morphtronic Engine

x2 De-Synchro

x2 Synchro Blast Wave

x2 Synchro Boost

x2 Synchro Deflector





Traps x 7


x2 Morphtransition

x2 Morphtronic Barrier

x2 Negate Attack

x1 Trap Hole




Extra Deck


x1 Stardust Dragon

x1 Red Eyes Archfiend Dragon

x1 Black Rose Dragon





I need more spells and traps so pleaz suggest what spells and traps i should add

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Well Iron Chains Work Good With Iron Chains and Morphtronics work good with Morphtronics does that answer ur question


Look... Iron chain cards have the 'Deck Destruction' theme

Whare as Morphtronics has a weird variation of a Clown Control deck

See, Thats why you cant use them together.

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Monsters: 18

x3 Iron Chain Repairman

x2 Iron Chain Coil

x2 Iron Chain Snake

x3 Needle Worm

x3 Morphing Jar #2

x1 Morphing Jar

x1 Night Assailant

x2 Jutte Fighter

x1 Snipe Hunter


Spells x15


x3 Hand Destruction

x1 Card Destruction

x2 Book of Moon

x3 Dark World Dealings

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x2 Card of Safe Return

x1 Monster Reborn



Traps x 7

Threatening Roar x3

Waboku x3

Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck: 12


x2 Stardust Dragon

x1 Red Dragon Archfiend

x1 Black Rose Dragon

x2 Thought Ruler Archfiend

x2 Goyo Guardian

x1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

x1 Magical Android

x2 Colossal Fighter


I need more spells and traps so please suggest what spells and traps i should add

^In quote

I may be doing it a bit wrong, but that's what I came up with for Iron Chain Synchro.


EDIT: Ack! Gadget Driver!

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