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I have a strange new deck that may seem like crap but works...

Mister Sir

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Monsters: 21

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

Jurac Velo x3

Jurac Protops x2

Jurac Monoloph x2

Volcanic Counter

Bountiful Artemis x2

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord x3

Herald of Orange Light x2

Harvest Angel of Wisdom x2

Shining Angel x2



Spells: 5

Brain Control

Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightning Vortex

Burden of the Mighty x2


Traps: 14

Drastic Drop-Off x3

Dark Bribe x2

Solemn Judgment x3

Divine Wrath x2

Threatening Roar x2

Magic Drain x2


Extra: 15

Ally of Justice Catastor

Black Rose Dragon

Goyo Guardian x2

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary x2

Jurac Giganoto

Mist Wurm

Red Dragon Archfiend

Stardust Dragon x2

Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

X-Saber Urbellum

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


Before you guys flame, this deck has had




10 wins, 2 losses.


Won 4 matches(All 2:0), Lost 1 match(1:2), won 1 single.


Lost 1 match to complete Synchro Deck(Ridiculously fast, OTK'ed me),


Won 1 match versus Lightsworn(Built with Necro Gardna, but no Synchros),


Won 1 match against a RFP Deck,


Won 1 match against the same Complete Synchro,


Won 1 match against Arcanite Magician/Buster(And Magical City Endymion) Deck.

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Its pretty good but I don't get why you don't just put more counter traps and add like a yubel or so xD lol.. otherwise 8/10


Yubel shouldnt be used outside a dedicated deck and more Counter Traps would just generate dead draws and that is something you never want.


Any advice/comments for the deck? :O

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Its pretty good but I don't get why you don't just put more counter traps and add like a yubel or so xD lol.. otherwise 8/10


Yubel shouldnt be used outside a dedicated deck and more Counter Traps would just generate dead draws and that is something you never want.


Any advice/comments for the deck? :O


Solemns over Bribes?

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Its pretty good but I don't get why you don't just put more counter traps and add like a yubel or so xD lol.. otherwise 8/10


Yubel shouldnt be used outside a dedicated deck and more Counter Traps would just generate dead draws and that is something you never want.


Any advice/comments for the deck? :O


Solemns over Bribes?


Already there.

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Its pretty good but I don't get why you don't just put more counter traps and add like a yubel or so xD lol.. otherwise 8/10


Yubel shouldnt be used outside a dedicated deck and more Counter Traps would just generate dead draws and that is something you never want.


Any advice/comments for the deck? :O


Solemns over Bribes?


Already there.


Mustve missed them.


In that case I cant really see anything wrong here.

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Its pretty good but I don't get why you don't just put more counter traps and add like a yubel or so xD lol.. otherwise 8/10


Yubel shouldnt be used outside a dedicated deck and more Counter Traps would just generate dead draws and that is something you never want.


Any advice/comments for the deck? :O


Solemns over Bribes?


Already there.


Mustve missed them.


In that case I cant really see anything wrong here.


Sweet... *plots*

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I know its limited but that was what i was using in tag force 2 lol umm just cut off 2 raizas and throw in one more mobius and one kuraz

Oh and it was a suggestion since Judgement asked for suggestions

umm by the time the phoenix is special summoned like I do , all the counter traps are gone and or if he is summoned and my opponent uses something to take him out I have a trap right there to save it xD thats the point of the Counter Phoenix Control

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