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And they told me I had a green thumb.....

That Fat Guy

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Okey dokey, then. The latest deck I've been running is some plants for fun. I love the deck, but it seems to be missing that last "oomph" to throw it over the edge. I figure I'll post it on here and see what kinda feedback I get. I'm not necessarily looking for the "meta" way plants are run, though I'm sure I'll see it suggested. Oh well, let's cut to the chase.


Monsters: 17

3x Gigaplant

2x Princess

1x Blazewing Butterfly

3x Lonefire Blossom

2x UFO Turtle

1x Nettles

1x Card Trooper

1x Copy Plant

3x Lord Poison


Spells: 15

3x Swing of Memories

2x Lightning Vortex

1x Giant Trunade

2x CoSR

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Heavy Storm

1x Reborn

1x Miracle Fertalizer

1x Card Destruction

1x Mark of the Rose

1x MST


Traps: 8

1x Trap Dustshoot

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3x Solemn Judgment

1x Mind Crush

1x Mirror Force


Side: 15

2x Shrink

3x Light Mirror

3x Shadow Mirror

2x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Arcane Archer of the Forest

3x Thunder King Rai-oh


Generic Extra Deck


My main beef with this deck is it seems to get off to a slow start. I'll draw Lord Poison and a couple other guys, but no way to get Gigaplant or another big guy into the graveyard. Wingblast and Vortex help, but there's gotta be a better way.


Any advice appreciated.

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-2 UFO Turtle

-1 Blazewing

-1 Giant Trunade

-1 Card Troopah

-3 Lord Poision (Unless stated otherwise)

-1 Swords of Revealing Light

-1 Card Destruction

-1 Trap Dustshoot


-1 Mind Crush

-1 Princess



+3 Botanical Lion

+2 Miracle Fertilizer

+2 Mark of the Rose

+1 Torential Tribute

+3 Gigantic Cephalotus

+2 World Tree / Black Garden

+1 Nettles

+2 Copy Plant



Ok.. That's a bit better now.

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Ok.. That's a bit better now.


Thanks. The deck seems a little more stable now. I don't really want to drop the lord poisons, they can always crash into something and become a princess. I'm also not a big fan of Cephalotus or world tree/garden. Other than that your suggestions seemed to help. Turtle and all that was mostly filler anyways.

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