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Knight's Title: Book Two~ The Dark Side of His Heart. Finished redecorating {Updated 5/28/10}


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Just a little heads-up, I am working on 3 Fanfics at once at the moment, Currently this one. There is a slight possibility that the next chapter will be up by this weekend (Maybe even tonight or tomorrow if ur lucky :wink: ). So don't fret my many readers as your pleas will be answered soon!


.:Midnight Thief:., The Undisputed Ringleader of Fantasy.

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Well, I finally finished chapter 16, and it is a pretty good one if I do say so myself. We left off when The Knights found a secret Log Book of the Organization Xlll, and now they are wondering what could be inside of it! Read on to find out!


[spoiler= Chapter 16: Calm Before the Storm]

Chapter 16


Calm Before the Storm


Hermione, Sasuke, Edward, Neji, Shadow, Knuckles, Aang, Amy, and Arya were sitting in the lounge. Edward had the book propped open in his lap.


“Incredible,” Edward muttered to himself, flipping the pages. Hermione motioned for the book.


“May I?” Hermione asked. Edward shrugged and handed her the book. Hermione then took out her wand and tapped the book. She swished and flicked her wand and said,


“Rivierto,” The book then began to shake; the others looked cautiously at the book, waiting for it to do something. The book then fell to the floor and opened up. Out of the book came some sort of a holographic map. Hermione grinned from ear to ear.


“Whoa, this book even has a map,” Neji said, interested fully at the image in front of them. Floating midair before their eyes was the overhead view of a town. Sun seemed to shine on the houses and towers like one grand altar. The roads were paved with stones. Passages crisscrossed themselves around crème colored shops. A sweet smell like honeydew wafted out of the map and enveloped the others. They swayed dreamily, taking in the luscious aroma. Edward grinned like a drunken idiot, still swaying. He then shook his head to clear his mind. He gasped and looked at the others with bright eyes and said,


“Twilight Town,”


“Excuse me?” Arya asked confused.


“Twilight Town,” Edward repeated. The others looked dumbfounded.


“What the hell is Twilight Town?” Knuckles questioned.


“I……..I don’t know, the name just popped into my head,” Edward said as if in a trance. The aroma faded and Edward regained his senses.


“What a weird sensation, it was like euphoria. Just saying the name pleasured me, creepy really,” Edward muttered to himself. Sasuke then piqued up and asked the golden question that was on everyone’s minds.


“But why would a map of a perfect town be in a guide book for the Organization?” That sentence made everyone stop to ponder. Why would that be in Marluxia’s Log Book?


“Maybe it’s a business location,” suggested Amy.


“Maybe they are planning on destroying the town,” Aang added.


“There’s something odd about this map,” Neji pondered. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Neji took a look at the map, and then put his fingers to his forehead.


“Byakugan!” Veins around Neji’s eyes swelled. Veins popped on his eyes. He then began to peer at the map with his special sight. His eyes then went wide.


“What the hell?!” Neji gasped out, his expression shocked. He backed away from the map swiftly and trip backwards and fell headfirst over the couch. He flopped belly down on the floor. Shadow rushed to Neji and held his hand out for support.


“What on earth did you see?” Shadow asked Neji, looking befuddled. Neji was panting a little as he slowly got back to his feet.


“I don’t really know. All I saw was........a mansion. A big one........and white....beasts stalked the place.” Neji’s hands were shaking.


“What else?” Amy and Arya both asked intently in unison.


“There was....a white room,” Neji continued, “And on the floor......... there was this odd symbol there.” He sat down, his head still reeling. His eyes had returned to normal.


“What did the symbol look like Neji?” Edward asked intently. Everyone leaned in. Neji then grabbed a napkin from a nearby table and took a pen and started to draw the symbol. He worked quickly as the other people shouted out ideas.


“A car?”


“A Fedora?”


“A Kaleidoscope?”


“A Jackal?”


“NO!” Edward then gasped out and yanked the paper away to show it to the others, “It’s the symbol of the Organization!” Edward yelled so loudly, it made Aang and Shadow jump.


“So that’s where the HQ of the Organization is, Twilight Town,” Said Hermione solemnly. Everyone took this to heart. A silence broke though the group of teenagers. Edward broke the silence, “So who’s going?” he asked. People were quiet again, “There are thirteen of them,” he said, letting the fact be known.


“I know I’m going,” Hermione said stepping forward. She put her hand in.


“Count me in,” Said Shadow, putting his hand in, “I’m going to get my revenge on Marluxia if it’s the last thing I ever do,” He snarled as he put his hand on top of Hermione’s and Edward’s. Amy cleared her throat.


“I wasn’t much help last time, but this time, I wanna help out and knock that jabroni Larxene down a peg!” Amy said with fire in her eyes as she added her hand to Hermione’s, Edward’s, and Shadow’s. Arya stood up.


“Ok Amy, I’m in this too.” Arya said with a smile and added her hand to the group. Aang smiled and put his hand in.


“Let’s go save Kellach and take down those beasts!” He said with confidence. Knuckles put his hand in, “Arya, I’m not letting you go without me,” Knuckles said while putting his hand in. Sasuke shrugged and walked forward.


“Hmph, I don’t have anything better to do anyways,” Sasuke said in a bored tone and put his hand in. That just left Neji. Hermione looked to him and blushed slightly, but slapped herself and then spoke,


“So......are you coming?” Hermione asked him, holding her hand out to him. Neji looked hesitantly to Hermione’s hand. Neji’s mind was going into overdrive on all the things Hermione had said to him the past couple of days. Some of the things hurt him badly, and he didn’t know what side to take. He then made up his mind. He walked hesitantly closer to her, and he held her hand.


“I’m not going to just sit and watch, I’m coming too,” Neji said with a smile. Hermione then smiled and gave him a hug. Neji embraced her and held her head into his chest. He stroked her head and she cried a little in his arms,


“Thank you......Neji,” Hermione sobbed quiet enough for just the two of them to hear. She held on to him tight. When it felt a bit awkward, the two let go of each other. Edward then cleared his throat.


“Ok then, that settles it, everyone is going,” Edward said, walking in front of the others and stood on the couch so he seemed taller than the others, “I suppose we’ll head out in about two and a half hours.” Edward said with a confident smile, “So everyone, get prepared for the worst, because this is just the eye of the storm. You’ve seen how relentless Organization Xlll can be firsthand, and I have seen their terrors from how they took away my brother from me. If we all band together, we can end their reign of destruction once and for all, who’s with me?!” Edward blared out.


“I am!” Amy and Arya said together.


“I am!” Knuckles and Shadow both said.


“I am!” Sasuke and Aang said.


“I am,” Neji and Hermione said together quietly.


“Alright then, we head out at in three hours, until then get prepared for a long and harsh battle.” Edward said seriously and then walked upstairs to his room. The others walked off to get ready for the battle. Hermione and Neji however, did not. The two were on top of each other, making out on the lounge couch. Neji was on top and he held her in his arms and hand her head and back in her hands. Hermione held on to him on the bottom and kissed him passionately, feeling guilty about herself.


“I’m cheating on Kellach right now,” Hermione thought as her lips touched Neji’s.


“She’s cheating on Kellach right now,” Neji thought at he felt his hands on Hermione’s back and chest. He massaged her tongue with his and moved his hands along her thighs.


“But do I actually care?” They both thought as they kissed each other. Hermione held back her tears as she tasted Kellach’s mouth instead of Neji’s. She felt sickened with herself, ashamed. Neji traced his fingertips above her breasts as she just stared up into the ceiling while he kissed her. As he pulled her closer, Hermione felt like hurling, she was disgusted at how weak he had been, but didn’t care; she kissed him even more and played with his hair in her fingers. Neji then went for Hermione’s skirt. That’s where she drew the line. She slapped him across the face and pulled away from him. She couldn’t help the hot tears running down her face. Neji looked confused.


“Was it something I did?” he asked confused.


“No.......it was what I did,” Hermione said with melancholy. She put her blouse and robes back on and turned for the hallway, but Neji grabbed her arm.


“Please wait Hermione, love,” He pleaded to her. Hermione then turned around.


“Only HE calls me love!” Hermione wailed with tears running down her face. She wrenched her hand from his grip.


“Hermione, I-,”


“Don’t even try anymore Neji! I have no soul anymore!” Hermione sobbed as she ran away from Neji and up the staircase, nearly tripping in her blinded tears. Everyone heard her crying as she ran up each floor, her tears staining the stairs as she ran upstairs.


“How could I be so stupid?!” Hermione cried out as she ran up to her room and slammed the door. No one wanted to see Neji at the moment; it was not a good thing to get into. So Neji walked upstairs with mixed feelings into his room. Hermione could be heard crying the entire time as she was in her room, getting ready for the biggest challenge of her life.


“I’m sorry, K-K-K-Kellach,” she sobbed while trembling, holding the pink note she had given him on his birthday. It shook in her unsteady hands. She clutched at the heart pendant necklace around her throat. He had given it to her a year ago. She couldn’t control the tears flowing down her face as she lie down in her bed and felt her own sanity and feeling slip away from her, her pure relationship with her love shatter. She didn’t know what face to admire anymore.......and she wanted nothing more than to die because of it.



Hope you enjoyed reading it as muuch as I enjoyed writing it!


Here's Hermione's Theme song for this Fanfic!



Here are the lyrics to the song



Comparisons are easily done

Once you've had a taste of perfection

Like an apple hanging from a tree

I picked the ripest one

I still got the seed



You said move on

Where do I go

I guess second best

Is all I will know



Cause when I'm with him

I am thinking of you

Thinking of you

What you would do if

You were the one

Who was spending the night

Oh I wish that I

Was looking into your eyes



You're like an Indian summer

In the middle of winter

Like a hard candy

With a surprise center

How do I get better

Once I've had the best

You said there's

Tons of fish in the water

So the waters I will test



He kissed my lips

I taste your mouth

He pulled me in

I was disgusted with myself



Cause when I'm with him

I am thinking of you

Thinking of you

What you would do if

You were the one

Who was spending the night

Oh I wish that I

Was looking into...



You're the best

And yes I do regret

How I could let myself

Let you go

Now the lesson's learned

I touched it I was burned

Oh I think you should know



Cause when I'm with him

I am thinking of you

Thinking of you

What you would do if

You were the one

Who was spending the night

Oh I wish that I

Was looking into your...


Your eyes

Looking into your eyes

Looking into your eyes

Oh won't you walk through

And bust in the door and

Take me away

Oh no more mistakes

Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay


Thanks for reading guys! I'll have the next chapter up as soon as I can!

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