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Needlebug Nest: Discussion

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Im saying that you have a good chance of sending something good (or not) to the grave but also a higher chance of sending something you NEED in your hand or what ever to the grave as well. thats what i meant by to much.


The difference between a card milled to the graveyard and a card sitting on the bottom of the deck that is never drawn is that a card in the graveyardis actually useful in other ways.


Stupid rookie.

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Im saying that you have a good chance of sending something good (or not) to the grave but also a higher chance of sending something you NEED in your hand or what ever to the grave as well. thats what i meant by to much.


The difference between a card milled to the graveyard and a card sitting on the bottom of the deck that is never drawn is that a card in the graveyardis actually useful in other ways.


Stupid rookie.


I already know that when some cards are in the grave, they can be good. like milling your lightsworns into your grave so you can get to summoning judgement dragon faster. but sometimes, you mill your own judgement dragon.

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Im saying that you have a good chance of sending something good (or not) to the grave but also a higher chance of sending something you NEED in your hand or what ever to the grave as well. thats what i meant by to much.


The difference between a card milled to the graveyard and a card sitting on the bottom of the deck that is never drawn is that a card in the graveyardis actually useful in other ways.


Stupid rookie.


I already know that when some cards are in the grave' date=' they can be good. like milling your lightsworns into your grave so you can get to summoning judgement dragon faster. but sometimes, you mill your own judgement dragon.



Everyone has the natural right to be bad at a trading card game. Please stop abusing yours.

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This card can be good' date=' but it's problem is its luck-basedness. You can't be sure on what's going to be milled, and if nothing suitable for the Grave is milled, this is a useless -1. I prefer Foolish Burial, because you control what ends up in your Grave. ;)



thats what ive been saying.

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