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The Octavius Card-making Academy

Yusei Fudou

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Only a few people ever comment on my cards. I mean, I try, I really do, but nobody ever comments on the cards I make, I mean just recently I created the Shadow Flame cards that I wanted to create for sometime now. I think I might need some help with the card texts. Like how to minimize the effect in a simpler form, but others still being able to understand it, you know what I mean?

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I'm back! There was some business and college I had to deal with. But now I'm back ^^' date=' and I'll start teaching from next Saturday. OldMaster will help me, and the link of the forums's gonna be fully available at Saturday, or even tomorrow!



I'll help, but...




I'm gone on Saturday.


Also, Mare, could you PM about it and tell me how precisely we'll gonna do it?

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What there should really be is a Jude/Rater club who looks at everyones card's and posts comments and constructive criticism. I feel that many good cards are underrated on this forum.


i'd Join that club. Only problem is that i'm not on much and my cards aren't that great (or that what people tend to think) but I think creatively and I love to give helpful hints on cards to make them better.

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