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The Octavius Card-making Academy

Yusei Fudou

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Hello, fellow card makers.


I was thinking that saying "Thanks" to your kindness isn't enough, always "Thanks" "Thanks" "Thanks" on topics, PMs, etc. Noticing that I've became, with no bragging, a skilled card maker (thank you all who have said that about me), I decided to make an online academy here, helping people who are weak at card-making improve.


Anyone can join this academy, it's The Octavius Academy. I'll teach anyone who wants, starting from next week, weekly classes about card-making, and they'll be more fun than they seem, as I will do my best to not make you bored, and entertain you at the same time you're getting improved, by your own will. I'm not going to say that I'm the best card maker on here, never will do, but at least, I can teach you what you really need to do to become an average/good/great card-maker, as I've noticed some newbies on here that need help.


The Teaching Method:


1- You must have MSN/Yahoo.

2- When you want to take a lesson, post on the upcoming Academy's forums in the Registration Room, describe what are you good at in card making and what you're bad at, and what do you need to learn in addition. Then, if the registration is applied, you can enter, PM Mare your MSN/Yahoo and you'll be added by "The Octavius Academy" MSN. If you need the E-Mail address of the academy, simply say that in the PM.

3- The method of teaching is seperated into two ways, you choose of each lesson:

A- Dialogue Mode

B- Lesson Mode

The Lesson Mode simply puts the lesson in 2 parts, no parts if it's small, and even sometimes 3 parts if it was long, while the Dialogue Mode is explained by talking, and sentence by sentence, you can discuss with the teacher and other. RonnieMagia (the first student) preferred the Dialogue Mode.


I'll be releasing forums for homework and Academy managment (note I linked to YCM in them alot ^^), and they're not for advertising. They're all about the Academy and card-making at YCM. They'll be released when the teaching starts. For each week, I'll be posting schedules, when will you take the lessons, as I can't stick to one date and disappoint you. ^^


I hope I've helped, and I hope you don't think I'm some kind of brag-lover >_<.


Who wants to be in before the delay in accepting registrations starts, post here please.

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Sounds cool, you certainly peacked my interest James. ^^ Although, I don't think I'm bad at card desinging. My only problem is knowing when 1 of my card effects is overpowered or not. ^^;


So I was wondering if at some point you could look over a few of my card effects and give me some imput please? ^^

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Mhm' date=' we do have a Card Makers' Academy, but can't be there 2? If that's against the rules I will delete this immediately, regardless of all I prepared. I just want to improve the new generation of card makers', and I hope I can help.


I'll rate your cards. =P Everytime I find one.


No, this isn't against the rules. There can be an unlimited number of Academies on YCM. But seeing this has gotten me thinking. My Academy doesn't focus enough on teaching others how to become better, we have the Card Review Thread, but it hasn't been doing so well. I would like for you to join the Card Maker Academy as a Senior Member and merge our Academies together. I would very much like this thread to become a division of CMA and members can come here to improve their card making skills.

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No' date=' this isn't against the rules. There can be an unlimited number of Academies on YCM. But seeing this has gotten me thinking. My Academy doesn't focus enough on teaching others how to become better, we have the Card Review Thread, but it hasn't been doing so well. I would like for you to join the Card Maker Academy as a Senior Member and merge our Academies together. I would very much like this thread to become a division of CMA and members can come here to improve their card making skills.



Sure, God Kaze. It would be my honour to join your academy with a place like that. ^^ The Octavius Academy would be a sub-academy of CMA, and yeah, just like you said, the thread will become a division of CMA. I'll see my plans for the "Opening Week", when the weekly classes start.


hey Mare if there is a place for a teacher that teaches how to make good warrior cards just pm me Very Happy it would be an honour to be a teacher in your academy. Very Happy


Well, to be a teacher in the academy, you must be a good card maker. If you'd give me a link or PM me some cards of yours, I'll think about it, and if I want some more things I'll tell you to add me on MSN.


The club idea by Gyrus is good, and I'm thinking about a division of The Octavius Academy that would have a club like that. But just in the right time, when the academy has more students.

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No' date=' this isn't against the rules. There can be an unlimited number of Academies on YCM. But seeing this has gotten me thinking. My Academy doesn't focus enough on teaching others how to become better, we have the Card Review Thread, but it hasn't been doing so well. I would like for you to join the Card Maker Academy as a Senior Member and merge our Academies together. I would very much like this thread to become a division of CMA and members can come here to improve their card making skills.



Sure, God Kaze. It would be my honour to join your academy with a place like that. ^^ The Octavius Academy would be a sub-academy of CMA, and yeah, just like you said, the thread will become a division of CMA. I'll see my plans for the "Opening Week", when the weekly classes start.

Glad to have you on the team. I'm make an offcial post in CMA and add Octavius Academy to the Club Directory.

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