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Roar of the North: Norse Mythology cards!


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This are some cards I came up with, based on Norse Mythology. Here is the first few cards:


Aesir - Frey

Warrior/Tuner/LIGHT/3 Stars

Once during your turn, by discarding 1 card, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Aesir" from your graveyard. This card cannot attack during the turn you use this effect.

ATK/1700 DEF/700


Aesir - Freyja

Fairy/Effect/LIGHT/3 Stars

If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of an "Aesir" monster, discard 1 card. Then draw 2 cards.

ATK/700 DEF/1700


Aesir - Thor

Warrior/Synchro/LIGHT/6 Stars

1 "Aesir" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, search your deck for 1 "Hammer of Thor - Mjolnir" and equip it to this card.

ATK/2400 DEF/2400


Aesir - Odin

Warrior/Effect/LIGHT/6 Stars

When this card is Tribute Summoned, select up to 2 cards in your graveyard and put them in your deck. At the End Phase of the turn you Tribute Summoned this card, draw 3 cards.

ATK/2200 DEF/1100


Aesir - Tyr

Warrior/Effect/LIGHT/4 Stars

If this card attacks an opponent's monster, it gains 500 ATK during the Damage Step only. If this face-up Defense Position card is declared as an attack target, it gains 500 DEF during the Damage Step only.

ATK/1600 DEF/1600


Aesir - Loki

Fiend/Tuner/DARK/2 Stars

When this card is used in a Synchro Summon, both players may discard up to 3 cards each. For each card discarded this way, both players take 200 damage.

ATK/1000 DEF/0


Nidhogg the World Destroyer

Dragon/Synchro/FIRE/8 Stars

"Aesir - Loki" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy all face-up monsters on the field, except this card. When this card attacks a monster, you may detsroy 1 card on your opponents side of the field. If you do, your opponent takes no damage from battle involving this card until the End Phase of the turn you activated this effect.

ATK/3200 DEF/2600


The Hammer of Thor - Mjolnir

Equip Spell card

Equip only to "Aesr - Thor". Once during your turn, if the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle, the equipped monster may attack once again in a row. When the equipped monster destroys an opponents monster as a result of battle, your opponent takes damage equal to the Level of the detsroyed monster x200.


More cards comming soon!

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Aesir - Frey

Warrior/Tuner/LIGHT/3 Stars

Once during your turn' date=' by discarding 1 card, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Aesir" from your graveyard. This card cannot attack during the turn you use this effect.

ATK/1700 DEF/700


[b']It's okay. This will aid in reviving some cards.[/b]


Aesir - Freyja

Fairy/Effect/LIGHT/3 Stars

If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of an "Aesir" monster, discard 1 card. Then draw 2 cards.

ATK/700 DEF/1700


Similar to Graceful Charity, but more decent for this theme.


Aesir - Thor

Warrior/Synchro/LIGHT/6 Stars

1 "Aesir" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, search your deck for 1 "Hammer of Thor - Mjolnir" and equip it to this card.

ATK/2400 DEF/2400


A synchro with a unique effect. It's okay.


Aesir - Odin

Warrior/Effect/LIGHT/6 Stars

When this card is Tribute Summoned, select up to 2 cards in your graveyard and put them in your deck. At the End Phase of the turn you Tribute Summoned this card, draw 3 cards.

ATK/2200 DEF/1100


At the End Phase draw 3 cards. I guess it evens things out but drawing so many cards makes it a bit overpowered. make it 2 or make that ATK 2000 and it might be decent.


Aesir - Tyr

Warrior/Effect/LIGHT/4 Stars

If this card attacks an opponent's monster, it gains 500 ATK during the Damage Step only. If this face-up Defense Position card is declared as an attack target, it gains 500 DEF during the Damage Step only.

ATK/1600 DEF/1600


A tad over powered. It's like Topaz Tiger in ATK but it also has it in DEF. Makes it a tough monster to destroy.


Aesir - Loki

Fiend/Tuner/DARK/2 Stars

When this card is used in a Synchro Summon, both players may discard up to 3 cards each. For each card discarded this way, both players take 200 damage.

ATK/1000 DEF/0


Unique. Effective. Good.


Nidhogg the World Destroyer

Dragon/Synchro/FIRE/8 Stars

"Aesir - Loki" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy all face-up monsters on the field, except this card. When this card attacks a monster, you may detsroy 1 card on your opponents side of the field. If you do, your opponent takes no damage from battle involving this card until the End Phase of the turn you activated this effect.

ATK/3200 DEF/2600


Overpowered. It's ATK is too high and it's effect would clear the field in no time. After that, the opponent would just be overkilled, period. Fix


The Hammer of Thor - Mjolnir

Equip Spell card

Equip only to "Aesr - Thor". Once during your turn, if the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle, the equipped monster may attack once again in a row. When the equipped monster destroys an opponents monster as a result of battle, your opponent takes damage equal to the Level of the detsroyed monster x200.


...Aesir - Thor is good, but with this, you make him a very powerful creature. Make it an optional effect like this:

Equip only to "Aesr - Thor". Once during your turn, if the equipped monster destroys a monster by battle, the equipped monster can activate only one of the following effects:

*The equipped monster can attack once again in a row.

*When the equipped monster destroys an opponents monster as a result of battle, your opponent takes damage equal to the Level of the detsroyed monster x200.


7.3/10 It has potential.



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