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ever played sonic unleashed?

super dimentio

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Played it. Not that bad. Daytime stages are good (although I wish there were more enemies). Nightime stages can get tedious. Also find it rather amusing that the boxes in the nightime stages can deal more damage than the Werehog's attacks. So you could only imagine the excitement when I was used a box on the button to open the door in the beginning of the second Werehog stage and managed to bring along the metal box that I was supposed to use along with me for most of the level.

Yep' date=' and it's not actually too Bad. Fun actually.

My Brother and Sister love it.

And for all of you guys who say, "Sonic Sucks nowadays! You're a Freaking Noob", shut up. :lol:

I'll admit, the new Sonic the Hedgehog and Secret Rings sucked. But otherwise, the series isn't that bad.



Secret Rings didn't suck.

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