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Attribute Blocking Contest


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The goal for this contest is to create a card which is good against a certain attribute, such as Lightning Blade. Last date for applications is September 30, so I'll give ya three weeks to work on your card. It can be any type of card.


EDIT: New deadline set to September 16. You will have one week.


What I will look when I grade the cards to decide the winning one:

1. Good spelling and grammar. Gives 1-20 points.

2. Good and/or Original Effect. Gives 1-20 points.

3. Good artwork.(if it has any, great plus if it has) Gives -10 to 20 points. (Note that you can actually lose points if the artwork doesn't fit with the rest of the card. No artwork at all gives 0 points on this one)

4. Fusion Material.(if it is a Fusion) Gives 1-20 points.

5. Separate Ritual Card.(if it is a Ritual) Gives 1-20 points.

6. Balance.( No Under-/Overpower.) Gives 1-20 points.


The maximum will therefore be 100 points,(not 120, thanks to StevenBray for noticing) (NOTE: You do not recieve these points) and the minimum will be -5 points. (Any card with lower than 0 points will be cut out of the competition.)


Prize List: (What you all have been waiting for)

1st Prize: 3 reps

2nd Prize: 2 reps

3rd Price: 1 rep


Current places:

1st: OldMaster (81)

2nd: bastionsgirl (72)

3rd: Deity Mitsu (70)



NOTE: A user may post more than 1 card into this competition. But if they do, only the latest card they post will count.

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Here is my entry:



Your card recieves 62 points, on the following curcumstances:


Spelling and Grammar: 18 points. Good for the text, but after all, it's a short text.

Effect: 10 points. I will edit that judging to "Good and/or original effect". Still, it's a good effect.

Artwork: 19 points. Absolutely stunning.

Balance: 15 points. Well-balanced.


Other: The name could have been better. Now, it refers to a Trap Card that can remove a card from play.

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Your card recieves 61 points, under the following circumstances:


Spelling & Grammar: 16 points. Almost perfect grammar (you missed a "," between "field" and "negate".

Effect: 14 points. A little overpowered,(It can negate the effect of Jinzo) and I consider it should have an activate cost, such as "When this card is summoned to the field, pay 500 Life Points." or alike. It's still good, anyway.

Artwork: 18 points. You can directly see that this card is LIGHT. It looks a little disturbing since the compression, but still good.

Balance: 13 points. Being equal to Summoned Skull in ATK/DEF, but with a level higher and a slightly overpowered effect. Should be level 7.

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so i'm currently first?


Yes' date=' you are.


Here is my entry.Enjoy.




Your entry recieves 70 points, on the following circumstances:


Spelling & Grammar: 20 points. No complains.

Effect: 18 points. Well-balanced and certainly original, but can take up to 5 turns to reach full potential.

Artwork: 17 points. Certainly good, but it doesn't fit with the Attribute. I see no direct reference to WIND in this, except for maybe the blowing sand in the foreground.

Balance: 15 points. Sure, being able to inflict 1,3 to your opponent's Life Points is good, but it can easily be destroyed and as I said earlier, the effect takes long time to reach full potential. Especially if your opponent Tribute Summons a non-earth monster by tributing some of the effect targets.



GAK: You lost the lead.

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Here's mine



Your card recieves 72 points, on the following circumstances:


Spelling&Grammar: 20 points. Long text, no grammar issues.

Effect: 19 points. Works in a Fairy deck, or just a deck with a lot of fairies. + for the Requirement. First effect can be countered by End of Anubis.

Artwork: 17. Looks great, but it's a little compressed, and the whole is just very good.

Balance: 16 points.Like I said before, it's kinda hard to get it on play. ATK/DEF is good.

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this is my one: (hope i get something)



Your card recieves 50 points' date=' on the following circumstances:


Spelling & Grammar: 12 points. Spelling was decent, but grammar was lost somewhere in the end of the first sentence.

Effect: 13 points. An effect requiring to place a two-tribute monster with 0 DEF in face-down Def-position, which can weaken all LIGHT-monster's ATK by 1000 points! Unless your opponent attacks it, of course. Then it's useless. The second effect is a little confusing, since it's not specified about which LIGHT monsters. Is it just face-up, or all that will ever be summoned?

Artwork: 10 points. The Game Logo is quite disturbing. Otherwise, the picture fits in.

Balance: 15 points. 3000 ATK, 0 DEF. A Flip Summon Effect. Hard to place, but gets a 15.

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The goal for this contest is to create a card which is good against a certain attribute' date=' such as Lightning Blade.


"One, the Collective Consciousness" fits this description in a different way than everyone is following.


The story behind him is the fact that in his realm, everyone's the same (except for the fact that he is a bit larger than everyone else and rules over his realm). He is stronger from all that acknowledge the collective mindset over individual ones. His realm was the original realm of imagination, but when one of his subjects had a thought that didn't fit with the realm, it sparked the creation of a new world and started the "Wars of Imagination", as they are called in their gathering of realities.

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Light/Level 5/Warrior-Effect


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing one Light, Dark and Earth attribute monster in your graveyard from play. This card cannot be destroyed by battle unless the attacking monster is a Light, Dark or Earth attribute monster. When this monster is sent to the graveyard destroy all Light, Dark and Earth monsters on the field.

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