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Spirits Teleport Among us


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ok here is a deck I built earlier today, it's faced tele-dad (win) and somthing I cant quite classifty (win, even beforre edit down from 48 cards to the current 41)


I'll also post the 40 card version I made relativly unassisted


credit goes to Ice Eyes of DMU for being a monsterous help :D


Monsters 19


Asura Priest x2

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Dark Dust Spirit

Destiny Hero - Malicious x3

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

Izanami x2

Krebons x2

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2

Plaguespreader Zombie x2

Psychic Commander

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2


Spirit Reaper


Spells 15


Allure of Darkness x3

Charge of the Light Brigade x2

Creature Swap x2

Emergency Teleport x3

Enemy Controller x2

Heavy Storm

Solar Recharge x2


traps 5


Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment x3

Torrential Tribute


Extra deck


Ally of Justice Catastor

Armory Aid

Avenging Knight Parshath

Black Rose Dragon

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

Colossal Fighter

Dark-End Dragon

Goyo Guardian x2

Magical Android

Mist Worm

Red Dragon Archfiend

Stardust Dragon

Thought Ruler Archfiend

X-Saber Urbellum



[spoiler=my second version of this deck, older then the previously posted one by a game]


monsters 22


Breaker the Magical Warrior

Dark Dust Spirit x3

Destiny Hero - Doom Lord x2

Destiny Hero - Malicious x3

Elemental Hero - Stratos

Izanami x2

Krebons x3

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x3


Spells x15


Allure of Darkness

Destiny Draw x3

Double Summon x2

Emergency Teleport x3

Heavy Storm

Monster Reincarnation x2

Pot of Avarice x2

Solar Recharge x3


traps x3


Solemn Judgment x3




Black Rose Dragon x3

Goyo Guardian x3

Red Dragon Archfiend x3

Stardust Dragon x3

Thought Ruler Archfiend x3


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There are like five spirits in this deck' date=' I don't see how you can classify this as tele-spirit.



and a decent and legal Tele-DAD has 2 Dark Armed Dragons, does that mean its not Tele-Dad




Explain to me the theme of the deck please.


it's more clear in the original version' date=' basicaly, its T-DaD -grave control -DAD + Dark Dust Spirit and a supporting cast



Mali and LS have never and will never work. That chances of you milling another Mali are just to high without restricting cars that help LS like COTLB or Recharge.


well aside from PoA you have a point there, if I drop mals though, the deck will be lacking a lot, becuse I'll also have to loose D-Draws, so any suggestions?

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There are like five spirits in this deck' date=' I don't see how you can classify this as tele-spirit.



and a decent and legal Tele-DAD has 2 Dark Armed Dragons, does that mean its not Tele-Dad




Explain to me the theme of the deck please.


it's more clear in the original version' date=' basicaly, its T-DaD -grave control -DAD + Dark Dust Spirit and a supporting cast



Mali and LS have never and will never work. That chances of you milling another Mali are just to high without restricting cars that help LS like COTLB or Recharge.


well aside from PoA you have a point there, if I drop mals though, the deck will be lacking a lot, becuse I'll also have to loose D-Draws, so any suggestions?

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i tiled you not to play them then you still sed that you did 12/27/2008 10:34:14 PM so bored hows life?? - nar tech sworns will suck in it

12/27/2008 10:34:41 PM You think its funny ha!! you make me sick!! I love you guys dont ever change- Jono, Renee, Ryan, Rob, Kitty, Mishka- so bored hows life?? well not realy

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