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|Hioco's Baby Chaos| =Freebies Available=


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Welcome one and all to my home of chaos. These are ones which have not yet grown up and by the looks of it never will be.. These come from distant lands and end up falling into my mspaint! So I thought i'd had to many and decided to give them to you guys (With a little price). These need love and support and a home so please put these in either your avatar or your signature.. There will be a few available and some will be rare and will get given on special occasions. Advent chaos wil get given out but since it's nearly new year I will try to find a promo. If you do get a promo or see one as a freebie in my shop get it quick and put it into your signature or it will soon disappear.




Freebies go by name so you may take whenevr you like and put into your signature. You do not need to credit no one nor do you need to ask to take them. Only take ones that I have put here or you will get banned from my shop. These are the freebies of the chaos. You may take but like any other they will not get recoloured nor change level. Enjoy.


This months Freebie is..






Request Center


Well here is the nerve center of the baby chaos association. We have the adopting center. Here is where you will be able to request chaos and I will go out and fine a chao just like the one you requested. This will only cost you 5 points.


 Request form

Name of adoptable:
What pokemon/character you want your chao to look like:
Anything extra added:[/b] 




Here is where I will keep track of everything. Like order lists and the acheivments of the shop things like that. For all of the acheivments I will make a promo adoptable which will be available in the freebie section for 1 day.


Waiting list















Opening of shop-Done

10 customers served-Pending

5 pages-Pending

10 pages-Pending

50 customers-Pending


More will get added..


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!![/align]

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