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The YCMIA | Now Making Relations (Affiliations) | Stand For Your Country, Join Today! A Place To Chat, Across Oceans!

Luna Lovegood

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yay :) I just finished reading everything :)


I want to sign out for Mexico (its the same for me U.S & Mexico sinse I live in Tijuana, & cross the border mostly every day, I was born in U.S. [L.A. CA] but sinse there are so many people from U.S. I guess I'll choose Mexico)


as to why people are so inactive lately, maybe the game is slightly less popular with all these conflicts with Konami & upperdeck (which finally stoped). or maybe this resesion is really affecting the game already :?. or maybe when I joined (back in November) was a little closer to the time of Vacations and everyone was online.. or (finally) it may be just a random coincidense.. hmmm......

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But he doesn't sing!

Then think of a new topic.


I'm fine with that topic ;) my comment is to give an extra person to laugh about :)


(wow, I saw spaces of like a week within previews comments on previews pages but for some reason I hoped there would be another comment by now =/ )

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New topic:

Discuss the difference between the manga and anime version of series.

Naruto anime and manga is mostly the same, except for the filler episodes. In the other hand, Trigun anime and manga are totally different. In my opinion, the trigun manga and anime are both very good, except for the final of the anime, very stupid.

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Naruto disapointed me when I wasted my time looking at 4 filler seasons (from opening 5 or 6 all the way until Shippuden started) :( The manga seems good, when I began reading it, that's what made me interested in it.


Manga is consistently better than anime speaking on story (most of the time, but there might be some exceptions)

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at least I skipped 2 of those fillers ^-^


also skipped all fillers for bleach (bountos, and that stupid season in the middle of their fight at hueco mundo.) but in bleach, now the manga itself seems to be going alot slower too... like its being influensed by commercial matters :(



oh yeah, it didn't looks worse than the rest of the show... the azgard saga :)



on yugioh, there are the virtual world & grand championship which shouldn't have been there.. they are bad. (actually pegasus's saga was kinda weird in the ruling of the game but I don't mind sinse everything was just taking form back then.)

the only yugioh filler I like is the PWNG dartz.. I would like to see jadan try to beat him :D (like that's gona happen haha)

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