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The YCMIA | Now Making Relations (Affiliations) | Stand For Your Country, Join Today! A Place To Chat, Across Oceans!

Luna Lovegood

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Hello and Welcome To Yugioh Card Maker International Association (YCMIA)





Let's start with the pleasant stuff. I would like to set up limits of the number of people for each country, so here, I will try and accurately represent countries:

[spoiler=LIST ([b]New Info[/b])]

USA: 7

UK: 6

China: 5

Japan: 5

Canada: 4

Other European Countries: 2 per country

Australia and New Zealand: 5

Other: 1 per country

Please not these numbers will grow by Popular Demand, so this club is always open to new members. These numbers are only so that I can control the numbers from counties. it's obvious that we don't want 15 members from the US and 1 from, say, Russia.


Now, for what we do. This club is aimed at promoting friendship between countries, but also, to have 'International' events, meaning 1 member challenges another member in a 1-on-1. The members must be from different countries. They then partake in either a CC or GFX contest. Winner earns 1 'Point' for their country. Every month, I will say which country has won. The receive a 'Gold Medal'. These are simply for show.

I will keep track of individual points, so that a country can have a 'Leader'. Leaders will always be the member with the most points to their name. In this thread, just chat about, well, anything.


[spoiler=Country List NEW]


[spoiler=USA: Place You Trust Elsewhere, for now...7/7 (2)]

Jack Frost (0)

Digi-Blaze (0)


Primal Release (1)

hobbes96 (1)

maxscool101 (0)

Juvinielle (0)



[spoiler=UK: 2/6]

Spire™ (0)

Dark[blaze] (0)



[spoiler=China: 1/5]

X-31 Fighter (0)



[spoiler=Japan: 1/5]

[Dark] (0)



[spoiler=Canada: 2/4]

.Duff.Man. (0)

.Soul.Knight. (0)



[spoiler=Russia: 1/2]

Mikooo (0)

Kaden The Dark (0)



[spoiler=Finland 1/2]

God Duelist(0)

~ P O L A R I S ~ (0)



[spoiler=Paraguay 1/2]

Envoy Of Infinity (0)



[spoiler=Bosnia 2/2(1)]

GodPuppy (1)

haris (0)



[spoiler=Mexico 1/2]

sleepy (0)



I will Update As Needed




[spoiler=Current Challenger's]

These people are looking for challenges.

Kaden The Dark [Russia]



[spoiler=Challenges ([b]NEW[/b])]

US vs Russia - Tag

Japan VS US - CC

Left side is challengers, right side is Challenged.



[spoiler=Current Contests]

Bosnia VS USA http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-102168.html



I am looking for a Club Banner.



1. Elite Makers

2. Digimon Acadia



Sadly, I have to include this.

All YCM rules apply.

My word is final.

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  '.Duff.Man. said:

I think we should talk about something fun. may I suggest candy. What's your favorite? Any special candies from your country?


Well' date=' the candies from russia are not that good....but my favorite can be translated into English as "Squirrel", it is very hard, and the flavor stays in your mouth awhile ;)





I Challenge Russia to a Tag Contest.


anything in particular? i cannot use Ms paint/gimp/photoshop so i do not know if i can make a tag :(

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