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Why do they do this?

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actually I count the very last one as legitimate loss since Rafael made no illegal moves or anything' date=' not to mention Yugi had played his legendary dragon before getting the seal from him



I didn't see the second duel with Rafael. I only saw the first duel in the canyon where Yami lost. Is that the one you're talking about?

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yeah well technically since most of the duels didn't follow the rules it means Yami cheated for all his victories also and therefore they shouldn't count either


Which comes back to my wonderfully hilarious theory of the Millennium Puzzle's ability being able to make any card magically float to the top of Yami's deck right when he needs it. =P

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for that one against Yami some say it only made the show fit that he got Ra in his hand on the first turn. Normally the chances of that are too slim


Yeah. It wouldn't surprise me if he had Ra up his sleeve and placed it on top of his Deck on the way back to his spot on the field after Yami shuffled it. Either that or he'd say something like "This card is my soul and will always come to me when I need it"...

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