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Fire Emblem RP Application (Lord selected; WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING ENTRANTS)

Supreme Gamesmaster

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Enter your text here...Havent had one of these on the forum before, now, have we?


There are a few steps you need to take in order to create your character. }


| STEP 1: Select your STARTING CLASS. More details on this below. |


| STEP 2: Request or create a starting sprite. If youre requesting, provide a detailed description and/or base image for your sprite. If youre requesting, I will have modified the sprites made by Rick Dykes, so you will have to pay a minimal to negligible fee. |


| STEP 3: Provide an image for your spritesheet. The image must be a GIF file. |


|STEP 4: Create a PERSONALITY PROFILE. These are synopses of your characters personality, and how they would answer certain questions. Details below. |


|STEP 5: Provide an RP Sample. This is a sample of your roleplaying skills, so I wont have to worry about crap RPers in the place of good ones. |


|STEP 6: Select your character's allegiance. Is your character good, evil, or does your character start out neutral? |


|STEP 7: View your stat sheet. If you are pleased with your starting stats, you are ready to begin. You will start at Level 1, however, so they wont be very high regardless. |


Starting Classes:



  • Mercenary: A strong warrior who wields a broadsword. They wear little armor.
  • Myrmidon: Quick, but frail, swordfighters who dodge and land critical hits well.
  • Cavalier: Versatile mounted knights. They ride faithful warhorses into battle.



  • Armor Knight: Mighty knights who don't ride horses, but wear heavy armor.
  • Soldier: Lance-wielding infantry soldiers. They are very well-balanced.
  • Cavalier: Versatile mounted knights. They ride faithful warhorses into battle.



  • Fighter: Strong axe-wielders. They don't aim well, but have a tough defense.
  • Pirate: Faster than fighters, they wield two axes and can move over water.
  • Brigand: Burly axe-wielders who can walk on mountains. They aren't fast.



  • Monk: Holy mages. They can wield light magic, and draw power from the divine.
  • Mage: Magic users who draw power from nature. They use elemental magic.
  • Shaman: Mysterious and fearsome dark mages. They're fragile, but they dodge well.



  • Cleric: Horse-mounted healers who use staffs. They refuse to fight.
  • Dancer: Frail and defenseless they may be, they grant other units second moves.



Brief Personality Synopsis:

Is your character...

Extroverted or introverted?:

Optimistic or pessimistic?:

Sexual or romantic?:

Vain or modest?:

What would your character do if...

they were attacked by a unit that was strong to them?:

they were attacked by a unit that was weak to them?:

they were faced with ten enemies at once with no vulernaries?:

How would your character react to...

a friend of the opposite gender confessing love to them?:

someone flirting with them?:

someone being openly hostile towards them?:

someone verbally bullying them?:


Complete those forms to enter.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The lord, Serrenox, has been selected! No further lord entries are accepted!



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Name: Felix


Step 1: Mymirdon

Step 2: i just want a male sprite with a vest pants and a hat

Step 3: Felix_the_Myrmidon_by_kitten724.jpg i think thats what u mean

Step 4: Calm: Doesnt Fight if its not needed, trys to slack off alot, likes to relax and watch the clouds.

Step 5: You have seen

Step 6: Give me anything

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Answer the questions for Step 4. In the meantime, I'll get to work on your battle sprite/spritesheet. Do you want the normal myrmidon animation, or a different one? And are you good or evil?

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Brief Personality Synopsis:

Is your character...

Extroverted or introverted?: Extroverted

Optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic

Sexual or romantic?: Romantic

Vain or modest?: Vain

What would your character do if...

they were attacked by a unit that was strong to them: Use speed to defeat them

they were attacked by a unit that was weak to them: To dominate them

they were faced with ten enemies at once with no vulernaries: Use speed to defeat them

How would your character react to...

a friend of the opposite gender confessing love to them: Confesses back

someone flirting with them: Flirts Back

someone being openly hostile towards them: Attacks Back

someone verbally bullying them: Just Walks Away


Alignment: Neutral for now

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Not really, unless you count promotion.


But, on the bright side, here is your statsheet:



All participating members ought to watch this one, because this is the center of the game.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Hm... Good question. I guess you can have multiple characters, but you have to be able to control them all at once; that is, they must always travel togather, and they must be the same allegiance. For example, if Serrenox wanted to have a monk as an allied unit, he could create a monk and fill out the forms for that unit. But, say, if Serrenox wanted to create a fighter NPC, he couldn't.

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