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Gravekeepers burn for regionals


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New deck im taking to regionals.



3 Cyber Valley

3 Gravekeepers Spy

2 Gavekeepers Guard

2 A Cat of ill Omen

1 Sangan

1 Morphing Jar

2 Gravekeepers Commandant



3 Wave Motion Cannon

3 Necrovalley

2 Messenger of Peace

2 Book of Moon

1 Level Limit Area B

1 Scapegoat



3 Solemn Judgment

3 Dark Bribe

3 Skill Drain

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

1 Crush Card Virus (GOLD RARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

1 Gravity Bind

1 Trap Dustshoot



3 Banisher of the Radiance

3 Mobius

2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2 Enemy Controller

1 Dust Tornado


1 Brain Control

2 Pulling the Rug



3 Gysarus

3 Heraklinos

1 Dark Neos

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Banisher removes all cards and d fissure only removes monsters and sometimes it can be better to have spell/traps removed so your opponent cant reuse them. and besides i dont have 3 d fissure. also i have less monsters in this deck than a typical deck should have, so its good to have a few extra monsters to use.

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Banisher removes all cards and d fissure only removes monsters and sometimes it can be better to have spell/traps removed so your opponent cant reuse them. and besides i dont have 3 d fissure


What Spell and Trap Cards are you worried about being reused? The good Spell recurrsion is banned (DMoC in particular) and the best Trap recurrsion is a Flip Effect Monster. Magical Stone Excavation in this Format is probably the best available Spell recurrsion but that wouldnt be used outside of Turbo Decks which are rather dead due to the Limiting of Reasoning and Monster Gate.


Deck building is probably the only place the current ban list could be used as good reasoning for anything.


Banisher still uses up your Normal Summon which could be better spent and 1600 ATK can easily be run over in battle and it can easily happen. Dark Grepher, Stratos, Lyla, Prisma, Breaker, I could go on but that would take too long.


Dimensional Fissure still blocks the gamebreaking Monsters like Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment Dragon and limits the use of Stardust Dragon.


As for not having 3 Dimensional Fissures, if you were able to get a CCV, why cant you get 3 Dimensional Fissures?


Another thing to consider is maybe use Torrential Tribute instead of Mirror Force. Torrential Tribute deals with a threat as soon as it hits the field whereas Mirror Force requires your opponent to attack for it to do anything. An exception to this would be Zombies but then again, Necrovalley would stop most of their stuff anyway.

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I traded for ccv but i am trying to get another d fissure and now that you have explained it to me d fissure does work better. and ill think about torrential tribute. i mite side deck mirror force and put in torrential tribute and then i can side deck mirror force for torrential tribute when im playing against a zombie deck. thanx that helped a lot. i mite just go to regs early and find someone to trade for a d fissure

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