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Summer Cup Store FInal Report

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hey kids!


Yea so out of the 12 that qualified only 7 turned up... icon_sad Granted the other that qualified who didnt turn up were from out of peterborough so meh.


btw josh frost was playing endless gadget and doing so badly as his only win came from a bye tongue.gif haha.


im playing grizlly engine monarchs.... icon_sad


Round 1.


kev vs zac mahabir.


hes playing gadgets so i am heavily prepared via my side deck as i know at least 4 people of the 7 were playing gadgets.

so yea will pretty quickly with him attack mother grizzly early to search out frog . draw into multiple monarchs early ans raiza does its job.


game 2 i side into rugs and he doesnt play another monster after i rug his first monster... red gadget and storm clears his back row out so go figure .



kev vs sam luca


hes playing demise and i know that i can beat that especially as it lost a lot of its power come this ban list. i pile shuffle his deck t notice that some of his deck protectors are different types so i cal over the judge and he says he has to change them with ones from his side deck, the kids not playing a side deck so he has to go get new deckies. he goes downstairs and doesnt return till the next round so easy win there. unfortunately.



kev vs sean galzyck


i really like sean and vice versa so this game is fun and not serious business, the thing with sean is, is that he has the potential to do well in this game but he cnt afford the good cards. i have offered to lend him anything he needs but he declines.


anyways he playing earth return box thing that he always plays and i always beat. game 1 he doesnt set and back rows so my hydros and cyber run riot.


no need to side game 2 and it goes pretty mush like game one except he lasted a bit longer.



kev vs john lewis


hes playing phoenix with random decree etc as he does lol.


game one phoenix pound me a bit but raiza pops it to the top of his deck and he doesnt recover.


game 2 his phoenixes get removed via banisher and he just shakes my hand.



so yea only 4 rounds but i qualify for the national finals. tongue.gif



slops :


hardly anyone attending


props : everything else really haha

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