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if no one likes using or seeing attatchments, then why have the option to, should it be removed fomr this thing, to stop people form using them?


its like having a self destruct button on your comp, your bound to use it oneday, even if u dont want to, so why have it there in the first place?

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Attachments won't be removed. Were just going to have to deal with them' date=' because even with a no attachments rule, member will still use them, because they fail to read the rules.



Yeah, mainly because they are either too stuck up for rules, or just too lazy too read 'em all...

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Speaking with proper grammar helps people understand you. And also' date=' what if you want to attach a music file? Think about what you say.



where did i use inproper grammer?


In the above sentence, I have bolded the in proper grammar

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